Swift based motorhomes

revit Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited August 2020 in Motorhomes #1

We have a Swift Bolero 2013 model, last year we took it to Brownhills Newark for some items to be sorted to our satisfaction, these were carried out.  One of these items was the water gauge on the electric panel kept sounding an alarm to say the tank was empty when it had just been filled ( due to the rods getting contaminated was the given cause) now one year on we are having the same problem.

Are all these models the same ? Is there a more reliable cure and have Swift done any modification to this water gauge.




  • robj7744
    robj7744 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited August 2020 #2

    I have a swift Alto 2013 model. I assume the water tank arrangement will be fairly similar.

    The water tank has a large screw cap on the bottom. If you drain the tank and remove the cap you will be able to put your arm inside the tank and feel the sensors. You should be able to clean them. Toothbrush dipped in vinegar will clean off any calcite build up.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
    10,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2020 #3

    I doubt it’s only Swift as most manufacturers tend to use the same control panels, electronics and so on.

    As Rob says, try cleaning the sensors as they are prone to collecting gunge of various types.