Advice please problem with new Buccaneer handbrake

Ariel Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited August 2016 in Caravans #1

We would really appreciate thoughts/experiences/ advice as we are not happy with the response the dealer and manufacturer has provided in response to a warranty claim:  

Having had a bit of a windfall in May this year we became the proud owners of a brand new Buccaneer Cruiser from Glossop Caravans  However the handbrake didn't appear to be holding the van when it was parked on the slight incline
ready to move onto our driveway via the mover.  Having used the van three times and therefore having manoeuvred the van back on to the drive three times the lack of handbrake hold has resulted in the jockey being pushed forward which has damaged the jockey
wheel. This is now extremely difficult to raise and lower and will not raise fully into the housing. This is our third twin axle van and we have not encountered this problem with any of these. We subsequently returned the van to Glossop who sent photos of
the damage to Eldiss under the manufacturers warranty. They have responded stating that this is damage probably caused by over tightening of the clamp or by motor mover over tough ground etc and is not a manufacturing defect. They also advise Glossop to check
the clamp and hinge pin as they may also be bent.  My husband is adamant that he has done nothing out if the ordinary and the problem with the handbrake holding is not something he has encountered with the other vans.  We do not overload the van (as was suggested
by the Service Centre as a possible reason) there are only two of us and the awning etc travels in the car. We have explained all the above and sent a follow up email to the Service Centre manager at Glosop but they are repeating the manufactureres response.
This has spoilt what should have been a wonderful purchase. We therefore welcome your experience/ advice/ thoughts. 


  • PLMetcalfe
    PLMetcalfe Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited August 2016 #2

    Probably not what you want to hear but; We also have a new Cruiser and fortunately our brake holds even on an incline. The hanbrake is self adjusting but needs to be set up right prior to delivery. Appreciate that the Cruiser is heavy however to bend the
    jockey wheel would require it to strike something. We move our van in the drive on the mover and it has to negotiate a 30mm lip, up to now the JW has done this with no ill effect. One thing we have found is that you do have to tighten the JW very tight to
    stop it dropping whilst on the move. On one of our recent trips this did happen to us but we heard it prior to any damage. We now ensure that it is very tight and also wound tight to its limit. We did change the supplied plastic JW (cheap and nasty for such
    a well built and costly van) out for a larger more robust fixed rubber item though.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,759
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    edited August 2016 #3

    Have to agree with the above as the jockey wheel will need some force to damage it and I cannot see it moving slowly on a slope could do that as it would put no more strain on it than moving it onto a pitch.

    I thought the jockey wheel dropping if not tightened very tightly was a one off on our Lunar but may be I am mistaken and it is more common.

  • yelnats1
    yelnats1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited September 2016 #4

    We had a new Bucaneer  Cruiser in February and each time we got either on site or back at home the A frame slipped down the jockey wheel while using the mover. The lever had to be tightened so tight that it eventually broke and I have fitted a new clamp
    supplied by Elddis and a new complete jockey wheel as the original one was distorted. I must add that this happened the very first trip we took it out and guess what? With the new clamp fitted this morning and the new jockey wheel it has slipped. I fear of
    over-tightening now as I don't want to damage another jockey wheel. It is so dis-heartening because we  can't move the van from where we keep it parked without the mover so I will contact dealer again tomorrow to see where we go from here.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited September 2016 #5

    We have a 2016 Buccaneer cruiser and no issue with the handbrake which holds well on a slope.  We also make sure that the clamp is tight so that it does not drop. 

    BTW if theree is no sticker stating "Do not over tighten" then you should be able to claim from the dealer anyway.  Ask the dealer if there a torque rating for how tight the jockey wheel should be?

    It does not make any difference to you if Elddis reject the claim as under the Consumer Rights Act  2015 it is the responsibility of the dealer to get the problem resolved. BTW if you do not tighten it up sufficiently and it drops to the ground causing more
    damage who is responsible?

    If the caravan is on HP, get onto the HP company and inform them that you are not very happy with Glossop Caravans as the HP company actually own the caravan.  They will put pressure onto the dealer to resolve the issue.  Do yourself a favour and Google
    Glossop Caravans and Elddis.

  • yelnats1
    yelnats1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited September 2016 #6

    You are completely correct Surfer. I have all the info from Trading Standards to pursue this.

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited September 2016 #7

    The jockey wheel and clamp fitted to Buccaneer caravans over the last few years is not suitable for the nose weight of these caravans (in my opinion and without prejudice).There have been no end of problems with these over the last few years and if it had affected a motor car would have been the subject of a Vosa recall (in my opinion!)   Handbrake adjustment,however,is down to the dealer who sells caravans at a discount and "may" cut costs on the PDI (again ....without prejudice and in my opinion!)

  • yelnats1
    yelnats1 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited September 2016 #8

    I agree with you dsweetman. The cruiser is close to 2 tons and the jockey wheel is far from adequate. I spoke to a guy at BPW about it and they tend to deny the problem yet Elddis have supplied the new clamp and handle. They Elddis know this is an issue, I am sure, but will not admit it In the meantime we are frustrated and annoyed. I will probably go to the NEC show and see if I can get some sense out of Elddis and BPW there.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited September 2016 #9

    It is very difficult to get the nose weight of the Buccaneer Cruiser below 140kg which ours is at present however we have no issues with stability and it tows well.

  • dj58
    dj58 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2018 #10

    We bought the Buccaneer cruiser and although the handbrake held the jockey wheel bracket snapped and we had to get emergency repairs done on it as we were away in Dorset . We reported it to Glossop caravans when they were doing the service,  the week before it happened , that the jockey wheel keeps slipping and they said we needed a new jockey wheel . They greased it for us and said it is fine . We took it in for a service again 2 weeks ago and told them about the jockey wheel and what happened to us last year after the service . Again they greased it and said it was fine . We are in a dilemma when we tighten the jockey wheel as we are frightened it is going to snap again . 

    How did you get on with your issues with Glossop caravans and Elddis ?

    We have got some other issues with them as well at the moment which we need resolving . 

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited July 2018 #11

    the OP said the handbake didn't appear to be holding when on a slight incline which tells me that they are not pulling forwards enough to activate the brake lever thingy that disengages when you reverse. I was told after reversing to pull forwards a couple of feet so the handbrake would work correctly. could this be the case???

  • AJHR2017
    AJHR2017 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited September 2018 #12

    We have a 2016 Buccaneer Cruiser we’ve had issues with the jockey wheel for when we bought the caravan at 12 months old. The bracket (pressed steel) and the jockey wheel aren’t upto the job. Our wheel has slipped in use and cannot deal with anything but smooth ground. Even an inch high dropped kerb is an issue. Our jockey wheel completely failed while on holiday in Italy, I write from Florence. The clamp tightening bar sheared off halfway along the threads. After removing the A frame cover I found the clamp was pressed steer welded to chasdis and the pivot pin was bent along with the clamp itself was distorted. The broken bit of adjusting bar was pursuaded out. I replaced both parts were replaced with bolts as a temporary measure. I’m in a quandary we’re to go with this obvious failing in manufacture ! I’m leaning towards a heavy duty ribbed jockey wheel and clamp after I’ve cut the old one off. Any suggestions greatfully received. 

    Many thanks 


  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited September 2018 #13

    agree with that AJ. why don't all manufacturers fit the ribbed ones and no need to overtighten.

  • ovengem
    ovengem Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited November 2018 #14

    Heavy duty one on a e bay £50 fits Ifor William Trailers

  • NormaJohn
    NormaJohn Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited January 2019 #15

    I purchased a 2016 Buccaneer Cruiser in May 2017, I had problems with the jockey wheel calapsing,I had 4 replacement wheeis fitted,Ieven resorted to buying the  new  Al-Ko wheel  with the built in nose weight gauge and this  still calapsed.

    I took the  caravan to the local weigh-bridge, had the caravan weighed and it was 1802 Kgs(4 Wheel Drive Mover). The nose weight was 220Kgs.

    I have had a jockey wheel fitted witha ribbed shaft and clamp as used on industrial trailers,I hope this will resolve the problem.

  • Phishing
    Phishing Forum Participant Posts: 597
    edited January 2019 #16

    Surely the issue is that the handbrake does not hold. This should be easy enough to prove.

    For my twopenneth worth (I have a heavy van) the jockey wheel is in my opinion is just not robust enough. Add a motor mover and they stress beyond an acceptable amount.  

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited January 2019 #17

    another old post revived frown

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited January 2019 #18

    Personally I think that the jockey cannot handle the nose weight of 150kg when being pushed along by a motor mover especially if you have AWD motor mover and need to turn.  The ribbed one can handle 400kgs so probably is a better option?

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited January 2019 #19

    who would tow with a 150kg nose weight. undecided

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited January 2019 #20

    We tow with the nose weight at 140kg and have no issues!  The nose weight of the Buccaneer caravan is 150kg as per the sticker on the side of the caravan.

  • ScreenNameF330245D54
    ScreenNameF330245D54 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited March 2019 #21

    I bought my cruiser in dec 15

    after it’s first service I went to collect it 

    on unwinding jockey handle it snapped

    guess there said it was my fault 

    they did fix in the end

    in the last 3 years I have had constant problems with the van slipping down on the jokey wheel

    new clamp and pin fitted 

    bought it home reversed it left 90 degrees with mover guess what the pin bent again on jockey wheel clamp 

    yes back into dealer and requested a more fit for purpose pin to be fitted

    also on 2 last services damp found also the floor in van laminate coming away making the flooring bouncy

    all I can say I bought a lemon caravan on a Friday in late December 

    totaly lost confidence in using van with mover

    its has now been in dealers for 4 weeks now getting damp fixed

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited March 2019 #22

    get one of the ribbed legs and will stop slipping down.

  • CarmelB
    CarmelB Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2019 #23

    We purchased a Buccaneer commodore in 2017 from Catterick caravans and have had nothing but problems with it. In the two years we have had it we have had 27 faults. The customer service we received from both Catterirck and Elddis( Hymer) was to say the least appalling. They were falling over themselves to blame one another. I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with Elddis customer service department as they can't distance themselves from their customers enough hiding behind the dealership when possible or just ignoring any correspondence sent to them. Good luck to the original poster trying to sort out your issue. 


  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited March 2019 #24

    We have a 2018 Cruiser bought from Northam Farm and are overjoyed with it.  Sure we had a couple of minor issues to resolve however as our contract was with the dealer we approached the dealer and not the manufacturer.

    Your issue is with Catterick Caravans as it is their responsibility to resolve any issues under the Consumer Rights Act 2015.  If the caravan is on finance approach the finance company as they own the caravan and it is their responsibility to get issues resolved.

    On a previous caravan which we rejected we went through the mill using CRA 2015 to our best advantage and also Which Legal Services.  Cost for the legal services was about £95 and we won and also were paid compensation.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,437
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    edited March 2019 #25

    I’m not surprised Elddis ignored you. They didn’t hide behind the dealership but knew full well it was the dealer’s responsibility, as Surfer said. Deal only with the retailer - he’s the one you take to court, not the manufacturer.

  • Surfer
    Surfer Club Member Posts: 1,303
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    edited March 2019 #26

    Correct however if on finance, it is the finance company that you take to court as they own the vehicle.

  • Ariel
    Ariel Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited April 2019 #27

    I am the OP of this thread and like yourselves are still having trouble with the jockey wheel clamp. We had a new jockey wheel clamp and pin fitted less than 12 months ago and this week the pin on the clamp has snapped again. Wondered how you’d gone on with yours with dealer? Hope you’re damp is now sorted too