Into the Void

Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,889
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edited May 2015 in Caravans #1

Those who design caravans do seem to try to make use of every inch while keeping the size and weight down, but the rectangular box shape results in many ‘vans having space wasted with voids that the user cannot easily access. I don’t mean the space behind
a fridge or heater which is necessary for ventilation but places like in the corners.

For example, my current ‘van has one corner sensibly filled with the water heater, but in another there is a huge laundry “basket” with a lift up lid. I think by the time the two occupants generate enough to fill it the items at the bottom would have made
their presence well known, so it gets used to store spare bedding instead! Where the tambour shutters for the TV space disappear into is also vast and unused, as are the corners of the top lockers.

What tried and tested ideas do the CT contributors have for making use of such spaces – given that we all cart them around with us.