When 40 is just not enough

Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,884
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edited June 2015 in Caravans #1

One of the sounds most dreaded by caravaners must be the change in tone from a low hum to a raucous clatter as the water pump starts to draw air just as one is beginning a shower, or at another inconvenient moment.

The industry standard for portable fresh water containers appears to be around 40 litres (a firkin in old money) and it just is too small to supply modern demands. I know there is a pipe device available to link two containers together when laid on their
sides, but as they then don’t drain fully that increases capacity to only around 60 litres.

So what other methods are people using to make more water available other than “serviced” pitches?

What is rather odd is that most caravan manufacturers have for a couple of decades been fitting caravans with two or three waste water outlets. With a typical waste container holding just a few cups of tea and coffee less than a fresh water container, it
seems they have been expecting users to have multiple fresh water containers as well, but don’t provide multiple inlets and pumps.