December Magazine

Good to see positive results on page 70
Good to see any of it once it arrives.
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Good to see positive results on page 70
There is no breakdown of the figures so how can it be positive as the surplus could be from commission on selling other products like insurance and nothing to do with sites and the core business of the CC?
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Personally I don't mind where the profit comes from within the business. Without full details it is difficult to know the full picture. How much site income is spent on improvements, maintenance, future sites etc ...... oh yes and on better provision for
motorhome waste0 -
I was pleased to read the AGM questions from the floor, thanks Ted for representing CLs! And also the person who questioned the Caravanner of the Year exploits. However the reply from A. N. Other that she found it amusing and so did others in her office
probably wont be representative of the potential new members which the club needs to attract.0 -
Not sure the club really needs to attract new members. It doesn't cope too well with the ones it has. Pitch availability is often difficult. With the amount of money they seem to be bragging about having surely spending some on new sites, bigger sites
and better facilities on sites would be more advantagous to us existing members who have helped build the pot of money0 -
Personally I don't mind where the profit comes from within the business. Without full details it is difficult to know the full picture. How much site income is spent on improvements, maintenance, future sites etc ...... oh yes and on better provision for motorhome waste
i believe part of the works going on here are to provide serviced pitches....something we dont need, more for caravanners who cant (or dont want to) fetch water and cart their waste, swings and roundabouts really.
the annoying thing is that these serviced pitches would be most useful well away from the shower block, thus saving a long walk in the cold/rain.
so, where are they?....within a few yards of the shower block, no doubt because 'the services are handy to tap into'...
Not on the sites I've been on, Troutbeck Head is a good few minutes walk from the top most service pitches, and there are closer non service pitches, (as in next door to). Also Melrose - there are closer non service pitches. Burford again, much closer non service pitches (as in right opposite and behind. Norfolk broadshas four whole rows of non service pitches close to the toilets before you get to the service pitches!
I am sure there are sites where this is true but you seem to be saying all service pitches are close to the toilets? You have been to all of them BB to make such a statement?
Just wondering which sites you have gleaned this information from. I didn't have you down as a service pitch spotter being a motor homer
And who says we don't need service pitches? you as a motor homer you mean? Oh well 'we' don't need MH service points.
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It looks as though they intend to expand service pitches and sites with social complexes.
good for service pitches, not so good for social complexes
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Not on the sites I've been on, Troutbeck Head is a good few minutes walk from the top most service pitches,
I seem to remember somebody saying that the serviced pitches were there as there had once been some statics in that area??
yes that was me! But my point is still true. They are across the road from the toilet block and not right next door or behind it
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Personally I don't mind where the profit comes from within the business. Without full details it is difficult to know the full picture. How much site income is spent on improvements, maintenance, future sites etc ......
oh yes and on better provision for motorhome wastei believe part of the works going on here are to provide serviced pitches....something we dont need, more for caravanners who cant (or dont want to) fetch water and cart their waste, swings and roundabouts really.
the annoying thing is that these serviced pitches would be most useful well away from the shower block, thus saving a long walk in the cold/rain.
so, where are they?....within a few yards of the shower block, no doubt because 'the services are handy to tap into'...
...Well if more serviced pitches are going in for caravans? then it partly compensates for the New type M/Van empty points that are not req by C/vans
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And who says we don't need service pitches? you as a motor homer you mean? Oh well 'we' don't need MH service points.
but the Club has acknowledged the growth in membership is in motorhome ownership not caravans. I suspect that is even more so if you took pitch nights into account. Motorhomes in the shoulder and winter months outnumber caravans on site.
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Personally I don't mind where the profit comes from within the business. Without full details it is difficult to know the full picture. How much site income is spent on improvements, maintenance, future sites etc ......
oh yes and on better provision for motorhome wastei believe part of the works going on here are to provide serviced pitches....something we dont need, more for caravanners who cant (or dont want to) fetch water and cart their waste, swings and roundabouts really.
the annoying thing is that these serviced pitches would be most useful well away from the shower block, thus saving a long walk in the cold/rain.
so, where are they?....within a few yards of the shower block, no doubt because 'the services are handy to tap into'...
...Well if more serviced pitches are going in for caravans? then it partly compensates for the New type M/Van empty points that are not req by C/vans
very true point !
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And who says we don't need service pitches? you as a motor homer you mean? Oh well 'we' don't need MH service points.
but the Club has acknowledged the growth in membership is in motorhome ownership not caravans. I suspect that is even more so if you took pitch nights into account. Motorhomes in the shoulder and winter months outnumber caravans on site.
and I have absoluty no problem with what is parked next to me on site. Just making a counter point to BB's 'we don't need service pitches' (we being MHs)
Perhaps unlike BB, I believe that as a club we should cater for everyone, so have yes more MH service points and service pitches (which MH do and can use don't they?) and not snipe at one particular type of outfit, which I am sure he wasn't doing at all.
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Social Complexes Brue, ??. Does that mean pubs, discos and resturants.
Not for me I'm afraid !
Cheers ................K
Nor for me.
Nor us - there are more than enough commercial sites out there providing that type of facility!
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And who says we don't need service pitches? you as a motor homer you mean? Oh well 'we' don't need MH service points.
but the Club has acknowledged the growth in membership is in motorhome ownership not caravans. I suspect that is even more so if you took pitch nights into account. Motorhomes in the shoulder and winter months outnumber caravans on site.
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Also stated is that there has only been a slight reduction in CLs. One voice offered the suggestion that post brexit our farmers may need to look once again at diversifying into such areas of cash flow.
Membership numbers stable and projected to improve, income streams, wherever it comes from- relatively healthy, reserves positive, whole thing looks pretty good to me.
Not the doom, gloom and despondency some often suggest when advocating change!
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BB, quite a few MHers seem to like the serviced pitches, probably as it saves them moving off the pitch if staying for several days.
Have noticed this at sites such as Chatsworth, Stonehaven, Black Horse Farm, and Barnard Castle.
Most do not hook up to the services, but presumably like the convenience of their own water and drain very close.
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Social Complexes Brue, ??. Does that mean pubs, discos and resturants.
Not for me I'm afraid !
Cheers ................K
Nor for me.
Nor us - there are more than enough commercial sites out there providing that type of facility!
Nick Lomas at the AGM page 72 of the mag....."further new sites and a wide range of facilities in due course, such as more cafes, bars and restaurants"
Personally I'd love to see some smaller, more basic sites but there you go.
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BB, quite a few MHers seem to like the serviced pitches, probably as it saves them moving off the pitch if staying for several days.
Have noticed this at sites such as Chatsworth, Stonehaven, Black Horse Farm, and Barnard Castle.
Most do not hook up to the services, but presumably like the convenience of their own water and drain very close.
Could be trying to guarantee a hard standing???
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Not the doom, gloom and despondency some often suggest when advocating change!
Of concern must be how the Club covers the changes in legislation. They have to find £1 million. Where do you think that is coming from? I'm pretty sure it won't be from Alan Rogers or travel and insurance!