Windows 10

madhouse4 Club Member Posts: 129
edited October 2016 in General Chat #1

Hi has anyone else had problem with windows since last night's forced update?


  • SELL
    SELL Forum Participant Posts: 398
    edited October 2016 #2

    Did not know there was a forced update, however have had no problems so far.

  • madhouse4
    madhouse4 Club Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2016 #3

    It wouldn't switch off without doing it, since then graphics in games don't move smoothly

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited October 2016 #4

    It's only automatic if you keep the settings W10 wants you to keep, I have notifications asking me if I want to proceed. Apparently it's a cumulative update to the new Anniversary build, and yes I did let it install and it's running fine.

  • MrRoute
    MrRoute Forum Participant Posts: 141
    edited October 2016 #5

    my pc updated win 10 this morning no problems i am aware of.

    if you tried to swich off during updates this may be why your having problems. You could always try a system restore. good luck

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited October 2016 #6

    Windows is only an operating system of which there are others.   Linux is more robust and bullet proof and doesnt suffer from the Upgrade problems of the Apple IOS or Windows. Although in fairness, apple and microsoft do correct any update failings very quickly. 

    Linux is more user controllable meaning it can be tuned and tweeked easily to suit the requirements of the individual user. 

    I use various versions of Windows on my machines and generally they work well. 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2016 #7

    Linux really only lends itself to those who possess a tech ability which is beyond many, me included.

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited October 2016 #8

    Hi has anyone else had problem with windows since last night's forced update?

    Yes i have Sad apart from the update takeing half a lifetime to install i now have problems with the sound.If i plug in my headphones it no
    longer shuts the sound down on the PC speakers which for me is a bit of a pain.I,m still trying to put it right.


  • madhouse4
    madhouse4 Club Member Posts: 129
    edited October 2016 #9

    I've chatted to window suport started at 4pm yesterday afternoon finished around 12.15 this morning they finally restored to a point previous to the update, graphics are working, but test tlike this on web pages isn't as well defined since they tried to
    sort it out 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited October 2016 #10

    I have upgraded three machines with no issues so far.


  • Nuggy
    Nuggy Forum Participant Posts: 512
    edited October 2016 #11

    It took nearly 3GB and my monthly allowance is only 10GB . Perhaps I need a different contract. If I knew in advance that it was going to happen I would arrange for it during the night when my useage is free.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited October 2016 #12

    Didnt notice the upgrade but got e mail from BT to say I am reaching my monthly Broadband limit. Is this cnnected?

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited October 2016 #13

    Updated this morning and no issues so far. Can't believe it was 3Gb - glad were on unlimited Nuggy. Certainly not affected headphone usage Volvoman

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited October 2016 #14

    Updated this morning and no issues so far. Can't believe it was 3Gb - glad were on unlimited Nuggy. Certainly not affected headphone usage Volvoman

    Well i knew there was something different straight away.The PC was makeing noises with the headphones plugged in which it would not normally do.


  • S6 Kevin
    S6 Kevin Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited October 2016 #15

    All fine apart from my printer settings, a driver reinstall sorted it out.

  • Grumblewagon
    Grumblewagon Forum Participant Posts: 246
    edited October 2016 #16

    You can prevent Win 10 from automatically update / reboot.

    Just Google this and get the instructions from "How to Geek".  Alternatively, ditch Windows and get Linux.

    I wouldn't agree with you about Linux, Cyberyacht.  While it gives the user a lot of control,  in its basic form, it's quite intuitive.  I've started to use Ubuntu 16.04 and it's fantastic. It doesn't carry the baggage of Windows or hassle you with unwanted
    updates.  You don't have to use the power it has on offer.


  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #17

    i left my laptop running last night to update the sat nav and it ran the auto update too.  Undecided  No internet connection so I took
    it to the shop and nice man cracked it by reloading the drivers.  Another customer came in to collect him and his network card had needed replacing.  Nice man doesn't charge if he can fix in under 30 mins.  Good business practice I say!  He advised reloadingWindows
    7 which doesn't appeal to me much.  This laptop came with 8.1 so I guess I would need to pay to get win7 back?

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited October 2016 #18

    The windows 10 update, caused problems with sage accounts, locked me and many others who use it out! Sage had a fix, but annoying at the time, just hope nothing else happens!  

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited October 2016 #19

    Win10 did a major update a few days ago and also installed the annoying software Cortana (I thought that was an old car).Undecided

    Google chrome is often having trouble with Win10 so I now use Firefox a lot more.Smile

    Despite its problems it is better than Win8  for none touch screen laptops IMHO.

  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited October 2016 #20

    No problem with laptop.

    Minor problem with the display on my pc, but fixed when I used the Nvida screen driver,  not the Win10 driver.

    So far !


  • ivorwetwun
    ivorwetwun Forum Participant Posts: 59
    edited October 2016 #21

    When it comes to computers I'm probably better off with an etch a sketch.

    Since upgrading to windows 10, I've had nothing but problems, having to boot up a few times before it runs correctly.

    Sometimes it doesn't pick up the Internet, sometimes the wireless mouse and keyboard.

    Had to boot it up 5 times this morning, will be booting it out of the window shortly.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2016 #22

    I wonder if it makes a difference what you have upgraded from and which computer.  Apart from the most recent problem with the upgrade its been trouble free on my Acer laptop which wasn't more than a few months old when I went from 8.1 to 10. However I remember
    XP Pro with great fondness! 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2016 #23

    I've had similar problems to ivor.  Six months ago, I spent a small fortune on a high end HP computer with an i7 processor and 16 Gb of Ram.  Everything was fine until August 27 when there was a major upgrade of Windows 10. From that day onwards, it would load ony a few web pages but not the majority and there were loads of other niggles that weren't there before the upgrade.  A system restore back to before the upgrade seemed to solve the problems for a short while - until the upgrade loaded again.  Having eliminated all possible causes - internet connection, conflict with AV software, firewall settings etc, I eventually took it back to Currys from where it originated. After 3 trips backwards and forwards to the store (and a total mileage of over 120 miles!), two of their techies were still baffled as to the cause - other than the update.  (MS telephone support appears to have been withdrawn after 29 July when the free W10 upgrade finished). When they started talking about trying a new hard drive / network card / etc etc etc, I told them I had had enough and fortunately both they and the store manager were sympathetic.  I was given a full refund and put it towards a Mac - which is something I have been considering buying for years.  Although it has, so far, been a steep learning curve - and I miss some of the familiar Windows features, I am now experiencing trouble-free computing and have my fingers crossed that I have made the right decision!

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited October 2016 #24

    Beginning to wish that I had stayed with "7"

    Updates take a age on ten, even overnight. On start up again I'm told that a restart is scheduled for a certain time usually in the next ten minutesYell......So
    much for me thinking all the restarts had been done overnightFrown......Cool