Opt out of printed materials

As a member, but one who has an aversion to unnecessary printed materials, could I suggest that the club allows members an easy way to opt out of receiving printer materials, including magazines and the club guide.
The club has my email address, and if I am going to receive marketing materials (which I'd rather not), I would much rather receive an email with a link to download PDF versions from the members' area than I would receive one through the letterbox.
The sad truth is that when I receive any printed materials, the only thing that happens to them is that any plastic wrapping is removed and thrown in the general waste bin and the magazine or directory goes straight in the paper recycling bin. I don't read
This is an unnecessary waste of resources and money.
I would much rather use the website when looking for prospective sites in any case. The information on the website is, in theory at least, more likely to be up-to-date and easily corrected if there are any errors. I like the club website. The site guides are
good and the information sections are useful.
By giving your members the opportunity to opt out of receiving some or all printed items (e.g. you could have check boxes for specific items - club magazine, site directory, etc.), you would save me from the pain of discarding printed matter, and the club's
I appreciate that others prefer to receive printed items, and that's fine. It would just be nice if those of us who didn't want to didn't have to.
My bank offers me these options. I think it would be good if the club could do the same, especially when we should all be doing our bit to conserve resources.