Navigating the NEC

I always enjoy going to the Autumn or Spring event but the layout leaves much to be desired.
Firstly, the outside walkways have all the accessory stands. That's fine but the walkways are narrow and as soon as somebody decides to demonstrate the new "Magic Knife" or "Magic Mop" (own up, who bought one?) traffic comes to a standstill.
Secondly, when you take a short cut across the caravans, Motorhomes or other major exhibits, you find that they have cunningly created cul-de-sacs so you have to retrace your steps.
Tuesday wasn't that busy but progress was so slow. Surely it isn't beyond the organisers to have wide walkways in a grid structure and well marked?
By the way, did anybody else get frustrated by seeing, for example, about five different Swift stands, each hosted by separate dealers offering their own "specials"?