Never judge a book

I was at a VW gathering yesterday and took a couple of pics.The top one was an excellent example of the very popular VW caravanette and was in exceptional condition.Now the lower one did not look quite as good but i got talking to the experts and was told that it was way more valuble than other one.The batterd looking van is what they call a "barn door" version because of the design of the tailgate/inspection hatch for the engine.This ment that it had to be 1954 or ealier.The one in the picture had been imported from one of the sunshine states of the USA and had never been welded in its life which is incredible for a VW and parts for this type are like hens teeth to find and equally as expencive.I was informed that the speedometer for one of these models can cost as much as two grand and thats only if you are lucky enough to find one.Hope you like the pics