Things that go bump in the day

I,m off out for tea shortly its the daughters birthday.Were going to a pub a few miles from where i live and it reminded me of something that happend there last time we went.Its been there many years and has changed names over the years but is now back to
its original name The Woodpecker.Now i had heard from my son who used to drink in this pub that there had been instances of odd things happening in a certain area of the pub.We were there in the afternoon and as early evening came more and more people drifted
in.Anyway two middle aged couple sat on a table next to where i was sitting.About half an hour later there was this almighty bang one of the women on the next table jumped to her feet as the pub went quiet.A near full pint of beer on there table had literally
exploded on the table with nobody,s hands anywhere near it sending glass and beer all over the couples.A guy came from the bar and cleared up the mess and then brought the guy another pint and informed him that it was not the first
time this had happened in this part of the pub..
Have you ever witnessed anything like this ??
Not personally but my father was on sentry duty at a barracks in the Middle East and was approached by a man dressed in uniform. Normal salutes were given and the man carried on his way. It transpires that the man had been attached to that barracks but had
been killed a few months earlier. Apparently he was often seen but it was the first time on that duty for my father so he didn't know about it.0 -
That’s what can happen when you buy cheap bear glasses V9.
Just joking V9, I am rather sceptical about these things but I wasn’t there, otherwise I may feel differently.
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That’s what can happen when you buy cheap bear glasses V9.
Just joking V9, I am rather sceptical about these things but I wasn’t there, otherwise I may feel differently.
Well this is it we here of so many hoaxes as regards sightings as such.What was most shocking about it was the noise it was as if somebody had hit the glass with a hammer or thrown it against a wall and sitting just about six feet away it made me jump a bit.The pub would have been many different rooms at one time but it is been a large open plan place for a long time now hence why things only happen in a certain area.
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One our local chippies had a counter at about head height. I was once in there waiting for a special to cook and I'd already bought a big bottle of pop in a glass bottle. The bottle was on the counter top alongside my head about 6 inches away when it exploded.
Glass and lemonade went everywhere and although I got sticky wet I didn't get a scratch. I shudder to think about the important blood vessels in my neck which could have been damaged.0 -
also sceptical, but once, when away in a cottage with kids and in laws, three of us independently went into one of the third floor bedrooms for something. we each came out feeling the room had an odd chiily atmoshere, shut the door and didn't go in again.
mum went in last - it was only when she mentioned her odd feeling the other two of us said it had happened to us too. Fortunately the cottage was big enough not to need to use it. It had a very unhappy aura0 -
The substance used to make glass is quite complex and at times behaves more like a liquid than a solid. It has the capability to experience a shock with no apparent damage and then much later the internal stresses overcome the surface containment and it spontaneously shatters.
So there is a fair chance that glass was going to break anyway at some time.Why there, and why then . . ?
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As i said in my first post i have been back to the pub tonight and made a point of talking to the head barman about the pub.Now according to legend the pub was originally a house and belonged to a locol magistrate named Mrs Branning who was a strong campaigner against the evils of drink (There is now an estate opposite the pub with a road named after Mrs Branning.) so when the house was turned into a pub her spirit was not best pleased.The barman also confirmed that glasses of beer slideing off tables was a regular occurance in one area of the pub and they had even had spirit levels on the tables to make sure they were not leaning.He also said the last time it happened was only a couple of days ago.He gave the impression that they had got used to it and paid little attention anymore.
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The substance used to make glass is quite complex and at times behaves more like a liquid than a solid. It has the capability to experience a shock with no apparent damage and then much later the internal stresses overcome the surface containment and it
spontaneously shatters.So there is a fair chance that glass was going to break anyway at some time.Why there, and why then . . ?
Years ago, when firms used to deliver drinks to your door, we used to have orange juice delivered from a local company. One time I tried to open the screw cap and the bottom just fell out of the bottle, and the pint of orange juice ended up on the floor.
The missing bottom just left an almost perfect hole in the bottle as if it had been cut.The following week, another delivery, and exactly the same thing happened. This time I phoned the company concerned and they sent someone over to pick up the pieces and the label, the batch number, etc.
I got a phone call a few days later to say there were faults with the 'new' design of the bottle and there was a thin area around the base. Opening the 'vacuum' inside the bottle caused it to crack and fail. They offered me a free bottle of orange juice
delivered each Saturday for a whole year! I was quite happy to accept. When the first bottle came it came with a large bunch of flowers!Very happy result.
And on the other aspect 'ghostly goings on' - well I told a story on here once which I'll see if I can find.......... and the current owners are now experiencing something very similar! Spooky.
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I once had a very spooky experience in Wales. My grandfather who lived in N Wales knew I liked paintings, I was a teenager and on holiday with him and he dropped me off in Conwy at Plas Mawr. This is a lovely Elizabethan house and the Royal Cambrian Society of painters had an exhibtion on there. I knew the house had a creepy reputation but never thought anything about it.
I entered the house but the exhibition was finishing and they were taking it down. Someone said "go and have a look at the house." So I did, no-one else was there so I was on my own. When I got into the front parlour I knew that was where someone had been lost up the great open ingelnook chimney, no problems, a bit chilly but just an old story! After that I started to climb the stairs to the tower, I suddenly got a really horrible feeling and didn't make it to the top. In fact I ran down the steps and left the building very quickly. Afterwards I read the old story about the house properly. I never went back!
That's my spooky tale.
(Sorry nothing to do with breaking glass!!)
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The substance used to make glass is quite complex and at times behaves more like a liquid than a solid. It has the capability to experience a shock with no apparent damage and then much later the internal stresses overcome the surface containment and it
spontaneously shatters.So there is a fair chance that glass was going to break anyway at some time.Why there, and why then . . ?
Years ago, when firms used to deliver drinks to your door, we used to have orange juice delivered from a local company. One time I tried to open the screw cap and the bottom just fell out of the bottle, and the pint of orange juice ended up on the floor.
The missing bottom just left an almost perfect hole in the bottle as if it had been cut.The following week, another delivery, and exactly the same thing happened. This time I phoned the company concerned and they sent someone over to pick up the pieces and the label, the batch number, etc.
I got a phone call a few days later to say there were faults with the 'new' design of the bottle and there was a thin area around the base. Opening the 'vacuum' inside the bottle caused it to crack and fail. They offered me a free bottle of orange juice
delivered each Saturday for a whole year! I was quite happy to accept. When the first bottle came it came with a large bunch of flowers!Very happy result.
And on the other aspect 'ghostly goings on' - well I told a story on here once which I'll see if I can find.......... and the current owners are now experiencing something very similar! Spooky.
yours was only orange juice, ValDa, my brother in law once had exactly the same thing with a rather good red wine ???- result, one wine lake on the kitchen floor.straws out‼?