Archie's Camping POI's - July 2016 - update
There is another opportunity to update your SatNav with the data of more than 32,150 campsites throughout Europe, including those accepting the Camping Card, Camping Cheques, and Best Deal. Download available [URL=]here: Archie's
Since the last update the details of more than 6,000 campsites has been checked and corrected where necessary. Some sites have been Deleted User, but you'll find the details of lots more small sites in Croatia (thanks to Willy who discovered them during his holiday).
We hope it’s soon going to be possible to announce some good news for those who are interested in the Archiescamping app for Windows, which can be used offline on Windows phones, laptops and PC’s. I will, of course, announce it on this website as soon as
it is available in the Windows store, so keep an eye out for an announcement.
If you discover anything wrong with the details of any campsites, this summer, or come across any new sites which are not included, please keep sending Archie the information, so that the quality of the data about sites can be improved.