New 'Archie's Camping POI's' update today

There is a new Archie's Camping (click - the link is there) update, containing up to date information about more than 30,000 campsites throughout Britain and Europe, which can be downloaded for most makes of SatNav.
In this update you'll find the ACSI Camping Card POI's for 2015.
Users of the Best Deal Card will find more information which makes it easier to use the POI's in combination with the guide.
Those who who prefer to stay on small campsites with a maximum of 50 pitches can find the details of of lots of sites in this updates. More will follow in the next update as we work through the smaller sites
Since the last update, a month ago, a lot more information has been added or corrected, especially opening dates and some phone numbers.
Unfortunately there is some bad news too. In the North East of France, in particular, there are a lot of campsites which have been turned into residential parks where it’s no longer possible for people with tents or touring caravans to stay, either overnight or for longer periods and details of these have been Deleted User from this update.
Don't rely on your old Archie's but download the new update as there are quite a few changes.