New 'Archies Camping' POI's update available

Archie has asked me to make the following announcement for him:
Sites removed and new sites added:
As usual I have had to remove several campsites from my databases, because they have been closed or now only take residential units. Fortunately I have also been able to add several new campsites, often from information passed on by users of ‘Archie’s’.
Please, remember that this website is only as good as the information provided by the users - where we can share our experiences, so please send an email if you have noticed anything which is not correct or complete.
Campsites near the Main routes through Europe - Opening periods
In this update we have finished updating the opening and closing dates of the campsites near the major routes throughout Europe.
Users of the app - attention!
Now more and more people are making use of the Archiescampings app I have noticed that these people have no reason to keep visiting this website and so they are missing out on also the latest news - which can sometimes be important for them too. So, if you have already got the app installed or have plans to do so in the future, please keep visiting this website every few months to make sure you don’t miss out!
Important news for Sygic users
Because it takes me a lot of work to create the poi information for Sygic navigation systems and is also a lot of work for yourselves to install it I have decided that this will be the last update where you will find the “classic .upi” poi.
Now you have the opportunity to use the Archiescampings app which offers you the easiest way to update your data, plus a lot of other advantages, I think now is the right moment to finish publishing the .upi files for Sygic.
Please let me know if you disagree with my point of view!
Download the newest version here: