The Police Federation. How should it change?

Yesterday we saw the Home Secretary tear into the Police Federation like never before!
Despite being a lifelong Tory, I have always detested Theresa May who I regarded as anti Police and indeed out to destroy that British Icon of Law enforcement, Dixon of Dock Green.
Yet I would be the first to admit that in recent years the service had grown far away from the standards and values that I took on in the 1960's. There have been far too many failures by the service to tackle racialism, efficiency & effectiveness and value
for money. Change was needed and was coming down the tracks like a very heavy freight train.
The Federation had become the bastion of outdated practise and much as I hate to say it did adopt bully boy tactics against any of its members who did say that change was needed.
But what should those changes be? How do we implement? Do we need a full blown Royal Commission on Policing? Remember that by law the Police cannot go on strike and before the days of the Federation Pay was dreadful, as were the working conditions, So
someone has to represent the rank & file!
So in all seriousness what would you do? I certainly would not allow recruitent at Senior level from outside the service as is currently being proposed.