Archie's POI's - 2013 update available to download

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Archie has just announced the latest update of his website of over 30,000 campsite POI's throughout Britain and Europe:

More amendments to the date for many campsites, with this update concentrating on Norway, Italy and the United Kingdom.

Since the last update we have worked through and checked the data of about 3000 campsites in Norway, Italy, and the United Kingdowm  We have changed the information on several hundred campsites, and have had to delete some  some sites, but have added a lot of new campsites.

News about the 'Discount' campsites - those in the Camping Cheque, ACSI Card, and Best Deal guides.

POIs separated by countries
The poll on the website indicates that the additional possibility of downloading campsite POIs by country has been received positively.  Don’t hesitate to send us your comments either by email or by completing the poll on the website.

Please give us feedback!

The information we receive from our users is vital for the accuracy of our data. Please let us know immediately if you spot anything wrong – or if you find new sites to add, or have any other suggestions.


Download the information from: