Touring U.K. and E.U. from Australia.

You may find this post elsewhere in this forum as I originally put it in the wrong place.
It all started over two years ago. My wife, being adopted, finally managed to trace her heritage. It appears that she hails from Ireland so a 4 week trip from OZ should cover what she needed to see. So I sat down to work out the costs of flights, transport
and accommodation.
“We may as well see where you were raised in London and take a quick trip to Scotland while we are at it” said she who must be obeyed. Once more I worked out the costs but this time of an 8 week trip. To save boring you all with the details we are now taking
up to one year to touring Europe.
Now we are buying a Bailey 745 ( pick up on May 7th I hope ) and when we have finished our touring we are going to take it back to Australia with us.
The rules for doing this coincide very nicely between our two countries. I can buy the van tax exempt and tour the E.U. and U.K. on the proviso that it leaves the E.U. and U.K. within 12 months of my ownership. It can then be shipped back to Australia where
it will enter under the personal ownership scheme. To qualify for this scheme I must have owned the van for a minimum of one year. This will be done by 51 weeks in the E.U. and U.K. and then a further 6 weeks on board the Ro Ro ship.
We are set to start this trip of a lifetime in early May 2012. The van will have our logo on it so if you see “ the Wizened of OZ” please say hello.
My only problem at the moment is getting insurance for the van. I do have relatives in the U.K. so I have a home address but I will be driving on an International or Australian licence. If anyone has any ideas on how to get insurance please let me know.
To be continued ( I hope ) .
The Wizened of OZ.