Which smells that take you back?

A blast of newly-cut grass and I am back at junior school at luchtime on the playing field having a grass fight with all the other kids. A wiff of coal tar soap and I'm sat in a bath with my cousins, at my aunty's house.
It really is a powerful sense, that a smell can so well be remembered and instantly take you back to that time. I suppose there will be some animalistic survival reason for this ability.
I had a little wiff of something today. I was cleaning some glass with hot water and suddenly I remembered the same smell when I was at junior school sat at a table waiting for my turn to queue up for food, The smell was the smell of the water drinking glasses
that were always hot and sometimes shattered when you poured cold water into them from a jug.
Another two i can remember is Lipsill, which reminds me of a girlfriend when I was 15, and another is Ysatis which reminds me of a girlfriend's black jacket collar.
Does anyone have any such smells that take them back?