Can anyone help me know how to email photos?

I am selling my house. The idea is to put an ad in local papers in the Houses for Sale section with an eight-word basic description, and then my email address. I figure that anyone interested off those basic words will email me to ask for more info. I will
then email them back with some pre-written info and also about 35 photos.
I want to be able to do this easily, and that the recipiant only has to do one click on something and the whole lot come up straightaway for them to browse through.
I have a standard basic hotmail account, in fact it has changed to very basic, something called mobile. Anyway, that is what I'm using. The problem is that I am useless. I have managed to send a photo once but have forgot. I just tried now but it said error
with attachment and then page expired. This happens a lot, so I just avoid as much as I can.
Someone told me that I needed to create a pdf file and then change that to a jpi (or something like that).
Is anyone able to tell me what I should aim to be doing to do what I want with it, and also maybe explain a bit how I might actually do it?