Idiots tick list before starting off !!!

T2J1B Forum Participant Posts: 3

Ok we got or caravan, bought all the extras that everone said didn't exist (the battery, gas bottle, clip on mirrors etc.) all ready to go for a try out and then desperately try to remember all the information given during the two hour handover where every
last detail was given about the van and what to do before driving off.

If we had gone the same day most of it may have stuck, but give it a week and this old fogies brain has forgotten just about everything down to almost driving off without fixing the wingmirror extensions.

Gone was the idylic idea of chucking a few overnight clothes in a bag and 10mins later setting off. We were in and out of the caravan like jack rabbits trying to remember the things we were supposed to do like switching the fridge over etc. An hour later
we finally set of after checking that the lights were all working (yes, no, yes, no, yes, no to the indicators) and we arrived without any drama along the way so we must have got everything important right!!

Manage to set up the caravan, thank god for motor movers, but discovered why leveling ramps are important (another hidden extra), and even managed to set up the awning that was thrown in with the caravan.

Pop out to the shops and arive back at 6ish (still in the pouring rain) and think about having our first meal in our cosy environment for two.

OH C**P no tin opener, on the plus side the grill works and cheese on toast with tomatoes is at least filling!!

Later think glad we won't have to treck to the shower block in the night!!!!!!! OH C**P the loo needs chemicals and how do we fill the flush system. We know we were told BUT!!!!!!!!

So Please Please does anyone have an idiots check list? Then I can just print it off and tick everthing of as I go along and be sure that everything is OK on the way and when we get there.