Home access width

Ianmaude Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited February 2014 in Parts & Accessories #1

Having retired, I have ordered my first ever caravan - a Coachman 620/4 - so I'm starting big !
I live down a single carriageway 60mph country lane and need to plan access. Whilst my drive is plenty big enough, I'm sure the gate isn't ... it's 10' wide vs the 7' 7" wide van, by the time the towing car (15" 8") swings around (and having seen very experienced delivery drivers struggle) I don't think there's anyway I'll get the trailing van (25' 10") through. 
As such, I'm planning to widen the gate to circa 14.5' but, before I do, I'd like someone experienced to comment, or let me know if there's any calculation I can do vis-a-vis car length/road width/access width.

Even better, if there's someone who lives down a tight country lane, who can tell me their corresponding dimensions where they can successfully gain access, it would be a huge weight off my mind.

I could widen the gate to over 14.5', but it would be much more expensive and, clearly, I don't want to widen it as currently planned, and then find I can't swing the car and van in. Oh, just to mark things more complicated, I'm on a bend, so slow manoeuvring backwards and forwards, or unhitching and using the mover, are non starters. 
Help !!