Can't fing it on the web
I tried to look up a CL in Northamptonshire.
The first hurdle was that there is no mention on the home page.
So I typed in "Cerificate location" and got a load of info telling me how to become a CL owner.
Next I typed "Certificated Locations" (note the 's' on the end) and was given a choice of web addresses, all of which would take me where I wanted to go. So I entered the details that I had and clicked on search (I had to scroll to find this) and .....PAGE
NOT FOUND was revealed.
I tried again (on a different web address with the same result.
There is a saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it". It used to be easy (and quick) to find my way around the CC web site but not now. Why has the CC web site become so difficult to navigate - or is it only me?