Insurance and Storage

prestondocks Forum Participant Posts: 1

Hi, I am brand new to caravaning and I am strugglilng to find a good ballance between storage and insurance. 

The cheapest insurance I can find is £111 per year but requires a Hitch Lock and Wheel Clamp (I have both), but most storage locations are not keep on allowing you to use a wheel clamp for a number of reasons, that seem reasonable. They have to put the caravan away and get it out and if there is a fire they can not move your caravan.

But Caravan insurance that does not require a wheel clamp such as Caravan Club insurance is about £220 per year, more than twice the price and offers a lot of options that I don't need such as European Cover.

What Insurance and storage options are most popular?


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2016 #2

    Difficult to answer the question in a few words, but we don't go for the cheapest option.  We insure the caravan with the Caravan Club not only because of the level of cover, but also that we have had experience in claiming through the Club, and I have to
    say they dealt with the process efficiently and sympathetically - absolutely no quibble with our claim when we has a van stolen in 2009.

    Insurance cost can depend on a variety of things including location in the UK and how/ where the caravan is stored.  We keep our caravan in a Cassoa Gold storeage site.  We decided we wouldn't compromise insurance caver and storeage security so we pay more
    heavily for it.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2016 #3

    As DSB for us also ,you pay for what get

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited September 2016 #4

    £111 per eyar for insurance, I would wonder what level of cover I was getting for that small amount.  For storage sites I would not go near if you had to leave all teh securoty locks off, where we store ours everyone has hitch locks, wheel locks etc and
    its a gold site.

    When we had the caravan we used the CC for insurance as like DSB said when you have to claim they pay up, for storage obviously you are limited to what is in your area and the value of your van.  Some vans I see in our storage yard are green with algae etc.
    and it must cost more to store them than the van is worth!  But if its a decent van then gold storage is obviously the best and you will get a discount for it as well to offset some of the cost.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited September 2016 #5

    Just renewed my insurance with the CC yesterday. Held a little competition with them and Caravan Guard. Both good companies with whom we've insured in the past.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited September 2016 #6

    We are insured through the Club and certainly pay more than £111 a year insurance a year,  but can't remember what. We have hefty wheel clamps on both wheels and the storage
    site is covered with CCTV - for which we pay £220. Good hunting.

  • bandgirl
    bandgirl Club Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2016 #7

    Our storage site fits and refits our Alko wheel lock and hitchlock when they move our caravan in and out of the storage compound for us.  They keep the wheel lock insert (not sure what the correct term is) and give it back to us/we give it to them depending
    on whether we're going out or coming home.  They also hold the spare keys.  Wheel lock fitting is one of the conditions of our CC policy.

  • bandgirl
    bandgirl Club Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2016 #8

    I realise my post (above) doesn't really answer the OP question, except to say that storage sites vary enormously, and some will fit wheel locks to enable you to comply with with the requirements.  You also get discounts on CC insurance for: Having done
    the Practical Caravanning course, ATC, alarm, secure storage, tracker, amongst other things, so it's not as expensive as you think.  

  • Astro76
    Astro76 Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited September 2016 #9

    I managed to get my Caravan onto a Cassoa Silver site.  It's covered by CCTV.  I can come and go as I please, no need to book the van in or out, just a quick text message when I'm doing it, so the site don't think it's been stolen.     It does get me some
    cash off the insurance, combined that with the Practical caravanning course.  My insurance is about £150 for my first year.  btw, this wasn't the cheapest option either.   Was speaking to the broker and found out that spending a little more in the insurance
    ended up with a much much better level of cover.

  • RoyandBev
    RoyandBev Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited September 2016 #10

    Our storage is £340 a year, land is well back has private drive, 24 hour CCTV someone on the site 24/7, 2 sets of electronic gates, each time fob is used records the users details.

    We now have a Motor home but before that had a Caravan and used both wheel lock and hitch lock with no problems 99% of vans have them.

    The idea of getting a van away if there is a fire sounds unrealistic to me fire moves fast and you would have to just happen to be standing there to do any good might need move 2 0r 3 to do any good and frankly would be risking their life to do it. If the
    fire brigade want to do it they will just drag the thing out the way regardless of hitch or wheel lock.

    That is why you pay the insurance premium, if you are new to this and your van is just a couple of thousand or less I can understand going for the cheaper option after all how much to you spend to protect say £1500 but if you have spent £5000 plus remember
    you hope you never need it but when you do you want it to work and pay out

    Just my thoughts

  • black caviar
    black caviar Forum Participant Posts: 242
    edited September 2016 #11

    Hiya i have just insured my old caravan for £130 its value is £4500 and also has up to £1000 contents , its stored on a gold cassoa site and has hitchlock and wheel lock:)

    last year it was £87 with no contents with the cc :) our storage site dont mind us having both locks on , oh yes its a £250 excess , i suppose the more valuable the caravan the more expensive the insurance ? Cheers mrs bc :

  • black caviar
    black caviar Forum Participant Posts: 242
    edited September 2016 #12

    I wasnt going to insure contents but then realised avtex combi £299, 2 duvalays £240 , 1 remoska £149 1 gtech airam £199, milenco levellers £85 , it soon mounts up doesnt it? Mrs bc

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2016 #13

    You will find cover for things temporarily removed from the house should be covered by your household policy but items used only in it will not be covered. Hope this helps work outwhat you need for contents.

    Accesories like the Aquaroll are just that and need to be covered in with the main sum insured or on some policies as a seperate item under that heading.

    Basically you get what you pay for with insurance so any that look too cheap usually are and should be avoided. Any policy that cannot show Defacto 5 stars is going to be short on cover as that is the accepted standard for policies.