Can anything else be wrong?

Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
Have you ever noticed how many people want to change the world to suit themselves? It applies in CC as well. People join the Club accepting the rules and standards as they are and then set about campaigning to change those very
things because they don't quite suit. They generally want an alteration in favour of a minority whilst overlooking the fact that they could well be disadvantaging the majority. I accept that rules often evolve over time and it's never a bad thing to re-assess
them in view of changing conditions but I find it strange that so much appears to be 'wrong' with CC according to some members.
Recent areas of contention that spring to mind are: numbers of dogs on site, washing units, washing dogs, pitching together, children on site, bikes on site, departure times, arrival times, the Club name, booking specific pitches, booking arrangements
- including opening day and deposits, pitching position, site lighting, maximum unit size, site and membership fees, rules concerning the operation of CLs, mops and buckets and J Cloths. I'm sure there are many others I've forgotten along the way.
- including opening day and deposits, pitching position, site lighting, maximum unit size, site and membership fees, rules concerning the operation of CLs, mops and buckets and J Cloths. I'm sure there are many others I've forgotten along the way.
Let's turn this on its head and ask, being purely selfish, what we would each like to change to suit just us. Remember, though, that what suits now may well not do so in future as our requirements change with age and ability. To start us off I would
like automatic refunds to be given when the weather turns bad. Any other ideas?
like automatic refunds to be given when the weather turns bad. Any other ideas?