The missing lists...
Just back from our Region Question Time and I was quite surprised at how much displeasure there still is at the missing listings from the magazine. No matter how many times it was explained that all the information AND SO MUCH MORE ! is still available both
on the website and in paper copies to all centres, there was still complaints from those who do not have computers (or just don't know how to use them). I feel it was left a bit in limbo with no real, I'd like to suggest one that no-one else
seems to have come up with. Most centres have a newsletter (ok, I know a lot of those are electronic too now - but hear me out please) Every centre gets the paper copy of the listings, SO why can they not print a couple of months at a time for their members
ON PAPER in their newsletters. Even if their newsletter is mainly electronic there should still be the facility for printing hard copies for their members without computers. Suggestion Over - await comments !!!