Off to the Day Care Centre

Took the dog for a walk early because of the heat, then a cool off in front of a fan, then a nice visit to our local Day Care Centre to look forward to.
Most people refer to it as Waitrose but since they issued those nice free coffee cards, we've got into the habit of visiting almost daily - and if we spend £5 (£10 at weekends) we get a free paper too of course. Hence our name for it. I stay and read their papers while the OH does her daily dabble along the ailses and collects our free paper to take home.
The staff are lovely and helpful and appart from the occassional hiccup the menu is attractive so a bacon roll or a pastry sometimes gets consumed as well as the free coffee and of course we pay for the food.
The only problem with the place is the other customers; lots of middle class old couples turning up just for the free coffee and grabbing the broadsheet papers as they go in - and reserving the best seats, like we do. Some have even worked the system and got two cards, so they get a free coffeee each. We did that. Middle class mums meeting with their young kids too, for a coffee and a natter.
As Stephen Fry said: marvellous supermarket Sainsburys; it keeps the riff raff out of Waitrose and that's mostly true. The children are mostly fairly quiet and the mother rarely tattooed.
Well done Waitrose. A valuable service for us retirees. And who says that we oldies are slow to catch on to a good deal eh?