Alicante motorway robbery

I thought I would just post this information as I consider it very genuine and I have received it first hand from the victim. We have just settled at Pilar de la Horadada on the every edge of the Alicante sub province of Valencia and our neighbours are a
German couple in a caravan. I asked him where his car was parked and he said it was getting repaired to replace broken windows. He then explained that whilst on their way here on the Alicante/Alcoy section of the A7 motorway he was attacked by robbers as he
drove. They broke his car windows with rocks and forced him to stop where they stole his cash etc. at gunpoint. He believes they were Rumanian. He said the Guardia Civil were very helpful when taking the report of the crime. He later returned to me to show
me photographs of his Freelander car before and after the damage and also a scanned copy of the Guardia report which he needed for his insurance claim so I believe him when he said this has happened, why would he wish to make it up? We all know there are some
risks throughout Europe with crime on the motorways but this is just a reminder to remain vigilent. Regard, Roy