Should I be worried about buying a diesel with dpf

parny Forum Participant Posts: 18
edited February 2015 in Towcars & Towing #1

Hi, I'm interested in buying a c-max 2.0tdci titanium (2011),  but i'm becoming increasingly worried about reports of huge bills to solve problems caused by the dpf. on (all?) modern deisels.

I know in "theory" there shouldn't be problems if the car does longer runs, not short stop start runs. But, i have heard lots of reports that people are still having very costly problems..... who do make longer drives as well as shorter ones (that's most
of us?)

1. Are these reports over stated and not as expensive or likely to happen as i am led to believe?

2. Are there any aternatives for tow cars? (petrol gives much lower mpg and i think less torque)

i know most deisels before 2007/8 don't have dpf on, so can anyone recomend a good one with good ecconomy?  or petrol with decent ecconomy?

I did want a newer car - with the thinking that the newer the car the more reliable it should be.... now I am confused!