Inconsiderate behavior

Have you ever hosted a big party, or just attended one, where a proportion of anticipated guests don’t arrive? Most will phone up with some kind of explanation, plausible or not, whilst there are others who seem to consider it acceptable to change plans
without saying anything. Often the ‘usual suspects’ as it has become part of their mindset.
This week-end will present many with the dilemma of whether to travel or not. Some will be understandably nervous about high winds, to say nothing of the water levels, while others will enjoy the challenge of proving anything to be possible. Either way,
it would be good form to let your host know your plans wherever there may be doubt.
In the case of going to a site, you have booked, so you will be expected. Your ‘host’, the warden, might be understandably concerned for your welfare if you fail to turn up and may even take special measures unnecessarily. Why not tell them that you will
be tucked up cozily at home instead? Anyone who does not advise their change of plan deserves more than a black mark in my opinion. No-shows get off far too lightly. What kind of society are we encouraging?