Still newbies and can't make our minds up

SBos Forum Participant Posts: 33

We have been caravanning for just one year in our 2013 Bailey Olympus 469-2. Have been offered a good deal on a new Bailey Pursuit 430-4.

Well why are we looking you might ask. The answer is the fixed bed is attractive not having to make the beds up at night. It woukd be brand new and, hopefully, if looked after last us many years. The down sides are the lounote area is smaller but guess plenty
big enough for the two of us. There is less locker space and the coat hooks,  just be the entrance door on the Olympus, we find very useful. 

We do like the Pursuit and having a new van but just can't make our minds up. Anybody have a Pursuit 430-4 or have any views on fixed bed compared to making up beds. Would love to see your thoughts.


  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited February 2016 #2

    I think youwill find there is already a thread up and running regarding this topic. It is just not your model.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2016 #3

    Sorry,  SBos,  I'm  not  able  to  help  you  out  of  your  dilemma  here  'cos  I've  a  mid-length  van  conversion  and  I've  always  had  to  'make  up'  my  beds  every  night  -- it  becomes  a  normal  routine  just  like  cleaning  ones  teeth 
    etcetera.  Which  ever  you  end  up  with  please  tease  us  all  with  tales  of 
    Sbos  on  tour 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2016 #4

    We are just in the process of changing from a semi fixed bed Bailey Orion 440 to a front lounge 2 berth with two big singles or nightly bed make upWink
    ,as in the same length we have far more space,and storage,that is missing with the "fixed bed"

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited February 2016 #5

    I'd say only you can find the answer, no matter how many opinions you read.  I think it's your way of caravanning you need to think about.  If you entertain and like a lot of space to 'lounge' in, then longer front seats make sense.  If you live outside, or in the awning, and only come inside to go to bed (as we do) then a fixed bed may be best.  Read through all the answers in the fixed bed thread which might give you some thought!  

    If you still sleep together, prefer proper bedding, and maybe have different bed times then a fixed bed makes sense.  If you like sleeping bags, and just throwing them out on the settees, and one doesn't go to be much later than the other, then stick to the re-arranging cushions layout.  Most people have a preference - we've changed from cushion-tossing to fixed bed, fifteen years ago, and wouldn't go back.  Others have done just the opposite!!

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2016 #6

    We have moved to a fixed bed as we get older. We were finding making and taking down the bed every night a chore and can live with the smaller lounge. Basically all caravans are a compromise unless you get a far larger model and you have to decide what suits
    you best. We all have our own opinions and priorities and between these two you basically have to ask yourselves if it is worth sacrificing the larger lounge for the ease of having the bed ready each night. 

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited February 2016 #7

    Just what do couples get up to in the 'larger' lounge that is provided when there's no fixed bed? All we tend to do is read, play cards, watch TV etc. We don't need oodles of space and much prefer the fixed bed. Easy for the afternoon doze too!

  • SBos
    SBos Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited February 2016 #8

    Thank you for your replies and especially to ValDa who left the link to another thread on the subject. Read all 9 pages on that thread and it does look very much like an individuals preference. Would like to see if any Bailey Pursuit 430-4 owners have any
    comments to make.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2016 #9

    Thank you for your replies and especially to ValDa who left the link to another thread on the subject. Read all 9 pages on that thread and it does look very much like an individuals preference. Would like to see if any Bailey Pursuit 430-4 owners have any
    comments to make.

    ...The Orion 430 and our 440 are identical in size and layout as the later Pursuit 430

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2016 #10

    Just what do couples get up to in the 'larger' lounge that is provided when there's no fixed bed? All we tend to do is read, play cards, watch TV etc. We don't need oodles of space and much prefer the fixed bed. Easy for the afternoon doze too!

    We tend to have family round when on site so we need room.

  • Graydjames
    Graydjames Forum Participant Posts: 451
    250 Likes 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2016 #11

    Valda is right (!!!!!!!). You can only make your mind up about fixed beds by experience. If you have had a van with beds you have to make up and you are considering a new van because of the attraction of not having to do this task then I think you have your

    Coat hooks can be easily fixed yourself. Even I did that in my current van and I am a DIY idiot. Haven't a clue.  

    Personaly I would not be without a fixed bed, but you always have to compromise on space.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited February 2016 #12

    Val is correct.  It's what suits you.  We've had both and prefer the fixed bed.  Apart from the seating/ sleeping arrangements then we've also considered storeage.  We also like the large storeage area underneath the fixed double.

    Another consideration for us is the washroom/ toilet.  Personally we don't like the combi/wet room and prefer a seperate shower and toilet.  This sounds a bit silly, but when you buy a new van I always make sure I sit on the toilet with the door shut.  I
    once bought a van and then realised I couldn't sit on the loo and shut the door at the same time - no leg room.  Fortunately, this was the van we had stolen, so didn't make the mistake with the replacement van.  Generally we find the end washrooms ae better.

    Just a thought!


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2016 #13


    Thank you for your replies and especially to ValDa who left the link to another thread on the subject. Read all 9 pages on that thread and it does look very much like an individuals preference. Would like to see if any Bailey Pursuit 430-4 owners have any comments to make.

    ...It has like ours a small odd shaped wardrobe

  • Unknown
    edited February 2016 #14
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  • Unknown
    edited February 2016 #15
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  • crusader
    crusader Forum Participant Posts: 299
    edited February 2016 #16

    fixed beds for us but not the french style

  • martin62
    martin62 Club Member Posts: 16
    First Comment
    edited February 2016 #17

    Thank you for your replies and especially to ValDa who left the link to another thread on the subject. Read all 9 pages on that thread and it does look very much like an individuals preference. Would like to see if any Bailey Pursuit 430-4 owners have any
    comments to make.

    Write your comments here...I changed my abbey vogue for a 430-4 bailey pursuit in november of 2015, my bailey is a 2016 model. I am on my own so my requirements will be different to yours but i am very pleased with my bailey even though it is about two and
    a half feet shorter than the abbey. The two vans are both fixed bed as i would not have anything else but the 430-4 has a rear washroom where as the abbey had aside toilet/shower. The storage is good once you have worked out where things are best to go,ie
    I put my saucepans in the small cupbored under the cooker. I am very pleased with the bailey and would recommend it to any couple looking for a fixed bed caravan but i do not think they are suitable for a family of four because of storage. What ever you get
    i hope you have many enjoyable years of caravanning.   

  • martin62
    martin62 Club Member Posts: 16
    First Comment
    edited February 2016 #18

    Thank you for your replies and especially to ValDa who left the link to another thread on the subject. Read all 9 pages on that thread and it does look very much like an individuals preference. Would like to see if any Bailey Pursuit 430-4 owners have any
    comments to make.

    Write your comments here...I changed my abbey vogue for a 430-4 bailey pursuit in november of 2015, my bailey is a 2016 model. I am on my own so my requirements will be different to yours but i am very pleased with my bailey even though it is about two and
    a half feet shorter than the abbey. The two vans are both fixed bed as i would not have anything else but the 430-4 has a rear washroom where as the abbey had aside toilet/shower. The storage is good once you have worked out where things are best to go,ie
    I put my saucepans in the small cupbored under the cooker. I am very pleased with the bailey and would recommend it to any couple looking for a fixed bed caravan but i do not think they are suitable for a family of four because of storage. What ever you get
    i hope you have many enjoyable years of caravanning.   

    Write your comments here...My avatar is of my old caravan so i will have to change to a new avatar when I get round to it.  

  • SBos
    SBos Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited February 2016 #19

    Well thanks for all your replies.

    Today we made a visit to Webbs Caravans in Salisbury and had a very good look round a new Bailey Pursuit 430-4. Then spent an hour sitting in it discussing the pros and cons. After that hour we bought it and due to collect on 14 March.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited February 2016 #20

    HappyCongrats on the new 'van. Enjoy!

  • Maysie
    Maysie Forum Participant Posts: 27
    edited February 2016 #21

    We have been caravanning for just one year in our 2013 Bailey Olympus 469-2. Have been offered a good deal on a new Bailey Pursuit 430-4.

    Well why are we looking you might ask. The answer is the fixed bed is attractive not having to make the beds up at night. It woukd be brand new and, hopefully, if looked after last us many years. The down sides are the lounote area is smaller but guess plenty
    big enough for the two of us. There is less locker space and the coat hooks,  just be the entrance door on the Olympus, we find very useful. 

    We do like the Pursuit and having a new van but just can't make our minds up. Anybody have a Pursuit 430-4 or have any views on fixed bed compared to making up beds. Would love to see your thoughts.

    We hated making up beds. It was the bane of our life! Wanted a fixed bed but not the double as it is cramped if it's up against the wall and someone cannot get out without waking the other. The island bed vans are all taken up with the bed and I like the

    We decided on the Pursuit 550-4 with fixed singles and it's nothing to do with not liking each other enough to share anymore. We like the spacious feel and the room between the beds is fab for changing, also the overbed storage is great - you each have your
    own side and can reach everything.

    We hve had ours since last April and absolutely love it - for us it was the best decision and ticks all our boxes.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited February 2016 #22

    The two fixed single beds do seem to make the best use of the space with a decent corridor down the middle. We found many of the beds are very short and narrow and island beds take up too much room so the french bed is our answer but it is all personal choice.

  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited February 2016 #23

    Just what do couples get up to in the 'larger' lounge that is provided when there's no fixed bed? All we tend to do is read, play cards, watch TV etc. We don't need oodles of space and much prefer the fixed bed. Easy for the afternoon doze too!

    Write your comments here...If you have a dog it would give more room and help people with a mobility problem?.