Small mat for a M/H

kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
edited October 2016 in Motorhomes #1

Hello, having had a caravan and whipping up the carpets almost instantaenously, we did the same in our new M/H and our Mini Schnauzer slid over the flooring! He stood trembling and not moving for what seemed like the full weekend. Back down went the carpets! I have to say, I do prefer having them down - it makes it feel a bit more homely BUT of course, I now need a mat at the door to wipe feet on to get any excess dirt off before entering. I can't seme to find one that isn't too big - has anyone purchased one and if so, a link or photo would be GREAT! 


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited October 2016 #2

    Most big general stores sell rubber backed mats in varing sizes, got mine in a factory outlet and I have seen them in Wilkingsons and the Range. They are always on sale at any of the motorhome shows.


  • kdee69
    kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited October 2016 #3

    Most big general stores sell rubber backed mats in varing sizes, got mine in a factory outlet and I have seen them in Wilkingsons and the Range. They are always on sale at any of the motorhome shows.


    Unfortunately the ones I've seen in stores and on amazon are too big and we aren't near a M/H show. I wondered if Autotrail made them - I shall look

  • ChrisnJohn
    ChrisnJohn Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited October 2016 #4

    We bought the small rubber backed mat from a superstore and cut to the exact size with big scissors, made to measure! 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited October 2016 #5

    I did the same as CnJ. Mine came from Asda and was very cheap.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2016 #6

    I got a small mat and runner from a caravan dealer's shop, (Highbridge) 10% off with my CC card too. They are a bit narrower than some others on offer elsewhere.

  • WanderingHans
    WanderingHans Forum Participant Posts: 134
    edited October 2016 #7

    We bought a rubber backed one from Ikea and cut it in half.  Two for one!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited October 2016 #8

    Dunhelm, Aldi, most carpet stores sell mats. We have one of those dirt trapper ones at door of MH, none slip, waterproof, about 18 inches by 24 inches, so perfect size, or easy to cut down Cleans up in washer a treat as well. Dunhelm, £9.99. Other sizes

  • Biggarmac
    Biggarmac Forum Participant Posts: 364
    edited October 2016 #9

    My dog is not keen on uncarpeted floors either.  I have lifted the carpets in the m/h and put down the rubber backed dirtrapper mats that can be washed in the  machine, cut to fit.

  • statusMoty1
    statusMoty1 Forum Participant Posts: 225
    edited October 2016 #10

    We bought our pooch the doggy ones (available in most good pet stores) the type with paws on etc mainly to combat the mud and wet when needed but also works well when we do not have the carpets in. Not sure of the make but the longer ones run at about £24ish.
    We have a small one that fits the door instep perfectly then a matching runner for inside. Works perfectly for us and the pooch and easily thrown in the washing machine when needed too which is a bonus.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,181
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    edited October 2016 #11

    We found some rugs in B&M of all places that were a similar in colour to the original ones and we used

    between the two to stop them moving.


  • Stevesie
    Stevesie Forum Participant Posts: 73
    edited October 2016 #12

    We use a small "Turtle Mat" which some friends bought as a gift the sailing boat we used to have.  So non slip it used to sit at the bottom of the companionway for in all sorts of sea ways!

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2016 #13

    I bought 1 mat and cut it in half to fit the lowered door step, I also use an old towel over the carpet as you enter the van proper, when its bad weather. I started doing this when we had a dog and have carried it on as the towel doesn't 'travel' like rugs
    do and its easy to lift and wash.

  • kdee69
    kdee69 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited October 2016 #14

    Thanks all...really helpful. After measuring we realised that without ordering some bespoke ("I saw you coming and hiked up the price") mat that we would just be better off cutting one to meaure. So ebay was our friend and £5.99 later, the job's a good un