Swapping over from a caravan to a MH

Profgooglit Forum Participant Posts: 37
edited May 2013 in Motorhomes #1

Hello all, need to do a bit of brain picking. With retirement looming soon we are undecided as to swap our caravan for a new one with a transverse bed layout or go down the MH route. We intend to do a fair bit of touring initially then perhaps putting our
roots down on a more permanent bassis latter.

Whats the pros and cons? Any one gone from a caravan to a MH? what's your experiance, likes dislikes, or was it not for you and you changed back again. Do the pots and pans etc rattle as you travel along? What do you think are the benefits In your opinion?
How difficult are they to level out, fore and aft, and from side to side? We have a reasonably new Smart car and would like to trailer that behind the MH, but are we going back down the towing route again.

Any help and advice would be greatly appriciated.
