A list of LPG outlets that will Refill Safefills?
Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
As Ocsid said on another discussion it isn't finding LPG outlets - its finding those who will allow refilling the like of Safefill. I have done the rounds of Lincoln today from the LPG map - first discovery was Instagas is now Calor - and they have masses of Lite cylinders for those of you who can't find them! Then I tried the Shell garage - thinking I would ask in the first instance before trying to fill up myself. They don't allow it but they do have Autogas for you Motorhomers (and people who don't ask first probably!). Finally found a place on A46 near Welton where they were very obliging and filled me up no problem. 69p per litre. Clearly need to do our research here!