Things have changed.

We may decide by the date on a calendar when it is spring time but nature has its way of showing us too.
The birds behaviour has totally changed e.g. a few short weeks ago the long-tailed tits would feed in flocks of 10 or 12 now they feed in ones or twos, we would have three or four robins in the garden at one time but now a feisty cock robin defends its territory
and a pair of blue tits are busy flying in and out of our nesting box.
The land behind our house slopes downward so that beyond our back garden I can see the roofs of nearby houses. Most of these houses have cowls fitted to their chimney pots due to an old established rookery in the nearby woods but one pot is not fitted with
a cowl, so now I am watching as a pair of crows are busily popping down the chimney with twigs, dried grass and even pieces of paper.
I love watching nature, how about you?