Schoolboy error!

neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
edited April 2015 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

I made a schoolboy error today when prepping my caravan. I cleaned my aquaroll out with a Milton solution and after letting it soak decanted some into a bucket to pour down the kitchen sink and clean out the waste pipes. I firstly blanked off the waste outlets
and poured the solution down the sink drain until it was level with the top of the plug hole, and then I left it for an hour to let it do its work. What I had not realised was that the bathroom sink waste is connected via a Y piece to the kitchen sink waste
and being lower than the kitchen sink it had filled up with very dirty water.Embarassed

That Milton certainly did its job though and the OH cleaned out the bathroom basin after slapping my wrists. Come on what errors have you made that can be admitted on CT?Wink