Dart charge...grrrr.....

JaRT Club Member Posts: 181
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edited July 2015 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

In anticipation of passing over and under the Thames via. the Datfrord crossing I duly went on line the week before our holiday to pay my £5 for the outward and return trips to France.

As rather expected with a government IT system I didn't get a confirmation email but rather was served up an error page. No worries I though I will check in a couple of days to see if payment has been taken, and sure enough when I did £5 had been duly taken
from my account. I did however have a nagging doubt that I would be accused of not paying and sure enough this morning I recieved my 'warning letter' advising me of the penalty charge for the first crossing on 11h June 2015 but ever so kindly giving me the
opportunity of paying the £2.50. I suppose I could have just paid the £2.50 again but being of tight wad Yorkshire stock declined and I have made 'representation' to them enclosing a down load of the relevant transaction from my bank.

It will be interesting to see what happens, and I will of course need to go through it all again for the return crossing of the 29th June which they no doubt will claim they havent recieved payment for.

What a joke!, and what a waste of public money chasing something they have been paid.