Refilable gas bottles
I bought a gaslow refilable gas bottle and took it away with us this weekend whilst meeting up with one of the X trail winners!
My small independant local Land Rover garage alows me to refil the bottle. Some main stream garages don't allow the refiling due to some folks trying to re fil calor gas bottles. My local Land Rover garage has an lpg tank and for 78p a litre, the bottle
was filled after £7.40 ish. The bottle is the same as a 6kg propane calor bottle. So to refil my bottle is less than half the price of a calor bottle. Ok ok my gaslow bottle cost me £135 to buy but it has a 15 year warranty so I will easily save money over
time. What I wasn't told is that I needed to buy a butane pipe to go to the caravans regulator. The gaslow bottle also has a guage on the side so I only need 1 bottle in the front locker as I can just top it up as and when I need too or when I know I will
be without electric and relying on gas for a week or so I can refil before I go or check on the gaslow web site for lpg stations near to where I will be camping.
So to sum up, I now have a lighter, refilable when I like and cheaper to refil from empty gas bottle. I think it even has a hottr flame but that could be me!