Do awnings catch fire?

Another post about pitching a M'H and caravan together got me thinking about the spacing rules.
As I understand it, caravans must be at least 6 metres away from another caravan but an awning (or car) ony needs to be 3 metres from an adjacent caravan.
If a caravan caught fire, would you feel safe in an awning 3 metres away from it?
It seems to me that an awning could easily catch fire in these circumstances.
Also, I assume that awnings can be as little as 3 metres apart (if one pitches the opposite way round). Given that many people cook in their awning, is this really safe?
And what of the caravan, safely pitched 6 metres away from the next caravan, when it's awning does catch fire? The escape route would be through the burning awning.
Is this really a safe spacing?