Continental touring without a 'co-pilot' :)

A question please for any who are experienced at towing on the Continent ....
Later this year I'd like to visit my grandads WW2 grave in North-Eastern France. Now I have a caravan I plan on taking it with me but I am a bit concerned about overtaking.
I will be going by myself so I'll have no one to sit in the front passenger seat to assist when over-taking.
As we no longer have tax discs I was considering a good forward facing CCD camera on the dashboard at this location, serviced by the coverage of the wipers outside to keep the view clear and feeding a small 7 or 8 inch monitor near my gear shift, to display the forward view from that side of the car.
Does anyone know if such a setup would be permitted ?
I've emailled the Gendarme but haven't received any reply yet
Any comments, suggestions or feedback would be sincerely appreciated