Mobile phone coverage / keeping in touch

I'm new to caravanning and although I've only had one trip - I'm hooked . Away again next week
Whilst its lovely to "get away from it all" I do like to be able to keep in touch with my wife and for her to be able to do likewise.
The problem is that many of the really nice sites I want to visit are - like Wharfedale - in areas of very poor / almost non existant mobile phone coverage. At Wharfedale I end up driving down the road a few miles to where the signal is more stable.
To ease communications I've been looking into and will likely be purchasing one of the satellite-based comms systems.
Just wondered does anyone have any experience of these ? I'm primarily looking at emails & texts, not voice comms and I'm now seriously looking at the Delorme inReach SE as the way forward
Any thoughts, comments or whatever would be appreciated