Naming of the caravan

Danwestgate Forum Participant Posts: 56

Hi everyone, me and the wife and kids are all new to  caravaning and we have just bought our first brand new caravan a sprite major 6. 

we would like to knoe if we should name the caravan and to see if anyone else has named their caravans?



  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited August 2016 #2

    We name ours- I name my cars too. Only drawback is they become too much part of the family and its horrible when you sell them on , I cry when they have to go :-(

  • Danwestgate
    Danwestgate Forum Participant Posts: 56
    edited August 2016 #3

    We don't want to name our car but we class the van as a new member to the family  Laughing

  • Mitsi Fendt
    Mitsi Fendt Forum Participant Posts: 484
    edited August 2016 #4

    Ours is called the caravan

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #5

    Ours is called the caravan

    That is strange, could be confusing as ours has the same name!

  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Club Member Posts: 3,009
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited August 2016 #6

    All of our caravans have had the same name - "The Van". Never believed in getting sentimental in case it got stolen etc. Seems a bit daft to give a name to a lump of metal. Same with our cars - either "my car" or for my wife "your car".

  • Danwestgate
    Danwestgate Forum Participant Posts: 56
    edited August 2016 #7

    The caravan is boring. We would like it to feel a big part of us and the kids. We have named her Poppy! 

  • neveramsure
    neveramsure Forum Participant Posts: 713
    edited August 2016 #8

    We have no name for the caravan but I call the hitchlock.....AlfredLaughing

    and when driving I call the cruise control....Tom.Laughing

  • 63ellsbells
    63ellsbells Forum Participant Posts: 138
    edited August 2016 #9

    Involving the kids in all things caravan related is great and it sounds as though naming your new addition will just add to that involvement and add to their fun and enjoyment, so go for it, I say.

    We had a classic VW Camper before we switched to an Eriba, and we named the Camper as like you, it seemed part of the family.


  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited August 2016 #10

    Ours is called Gordon!

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited August 2016 #11

    We always name our caravans Smile  We also have naming ceremonies ..... "I name this caravan (name) may god bless her ... and all who burn toast
    in her"  Laughing   We don't smash a bottle on the outside though Laughing

  • eyebrowsb
    eyebrowsb Forum Participant Posts: 554
    edited August 2016 #12

    Ours is called Gordon!

    Gordon Surprised  Our caravans are always female ..... although our friend has a caravan called Dave Undecided

  • wye
    wye Forum Participant Posts: 241
    edited August 2016 #13

    Colin of course .....Happy

    Actually Colin the third .....

  • johndailey
    johndailey Forum Participant Posts: 520
    edited August 2016 #14

    Our caravan (Amara) is named Amey.

  • reynoray
    reynoray Forum Participant Posts: 106
    edited August 2016 #15

    Ours is named Florence - we go with the Flo.  Smile

  • Pink Monkey
    Pink Monkey Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2016 #16

    I've just bought my first motorhome... Yay! Soooo excited... Pick her up on the 27th... I've named 'her' already!  '  H'y ' is her name... Used to be my nickname for years (short ish for Helen) and the reg is HY ... So she was 'meant to be'! 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2016 #17

    Like many others, "the van". The towcar is "the Kuga" and the OH's runabout was called "the Getz". Its replacement, an i20, is a little more difficult to name requiring two syllables. Answers on a postcard, please.

  • RangeRoverMan
    RangeRoverMan Forum Participant Posts: 125
    edited August 2016 #18

    I find the naming of inanimate objects a bit bizarre. I think if I felt the desire to do it I would seek psychiatric help.

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited August 2016 #19

    Buildings, boats, planes and trains - I could go on - are named. Four of my six motorhomes were named, two having the name on them in vinyl, and one having a name best not repeated on this forum. The current one is a van with no name but sadly is not as
    tough as the Clint Eastwood character.

    The dealers attitude to those bearing their name in vinyl was much better than those that were just a regsitration plate. Having a name was also a hit with the kids who helped name three of the vans.

    I draw the line, though, at referring to the vans by name on forums.


  • BeveleyCole1
    BeveleyCole1 Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited August 2016 #20

    We bought our first caravan last July as our 30th wedding anniversary present to ourselves. So we named her Pearl.

    The nissan x trail we bought to tow  Pearl is called Davinia (her Sat nav voice sounds posh and we felt Davinia a suitable sounding posh name)

    My tiny little suzuki alto is called Pops, because she's only used to pop out somewhere local.

    Beginning to think I now sound a bit odd and need to get away in Pearl more often.



  • Tomorrow
    Tomorrow Forum Participant Posts: 130
    edited August 2016 #21

    Yeap named our Van and our car.  

  • Danwestgate
    Danwestgate Forum Participant Posts: 56
    edited August 2016 #22

    I find the naming of inanimate objects a bit bizarre. I think if I felt the desire to do it I would seek psychiatric help.

    Your name on here is named after an inanimate object, I think you might all ready need psychiatric help Tongue Outlol

  • mjh2014
    mjh2014 Forum Participant Posts: 130
    edited August 2016 #23

    Caravan is Eddie, disco is Bonnie, runabout fiesta is Daisy, Harley is Hank, Vespa is Simon, sat nav is Gertrude... Naming vehicles is normal Happy In
    the past I have had ford escorts called Gary and Wayne, a fiat uno called Bianca, a fridge called Frank and a wheelbarrow called Alan.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2016 #24
    This content has been removed.
  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited August 2016 #25

    Ours tend to be called my car, your car and the van.

  • geoffeales
    geoffeales Forum Participant Posts: 322
    edited August 2016 #26

    we'd never been into naming inanimate objects until we bought our Tuscon, with the reg. BFE he just had to be christened "Beefy" as he's such a great little tug. Not wanting to leave her out we then named the van "Matilda" (having just watched the film) 

  • jockii
    jockii Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited August 2016 #27

    mine is emrys the eriba.

  • Greygit
    Greygit Forum Participant Posts: 167
    edited August 2016 #28

    Ours is the Van as we had five motorhomes before the caravan and they were all called the Van, so it was just a followed on from there really.

  • Alan R
    Alan R Club Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2016 #29

    Van called Snowflake, It was snowing the day we picked it up.

     Towing car chucles The Reg CUC.

    The second car wickle, It is a 'wickle' wed car.

    I am sad but happy.

  • Sir Bruin
    Sir Bruin Forum Participant Posts: 90
    edited August 2016 #30

    Seems to confession time. Here we go then.....our caravan is called The Hodmedod. In Suffolk, it means, "Snail". I tow with a Kuga called Freddie. *Hangs head in shame*

  • DreamMachine
    DreamMachine Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited August 2016 #31

    Well not many of our cars got named but we had 2 different 'Granny' Granadas, a Volvo called Vicky, A Fiat Panda runabout that was called the 'Shoebox' and we had a camper for several years we called 'Nookie Mobile'

    Oh those were they days.

    Now we have a Kia Sportage we call the 'Tank' and a Bailey Ranger which we haven't decided on a name for but I think it's going to be the 'Old Folks Home'