Who really wrote Shakespeare plays and sonnets

Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
edited April 2016 in Entertainment #1

As Shakespeare is known as a semi illiterate second rate actor, academics are claiming that they were written by the Earl of Oxford and Francis Bacon. among others and Shakespeare was persuaded to put his name to the works in case of political reprecussions.

Which makes all that hoo- ha on tv last night by a load of Luvvies a bit of a non event

K.  Innocent


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #2

    Being from Warwickshire and OH having ancestors buried in the graveyard at Stratford church I'm a bit of a Shakespeare fan. I enjoyed the Stratford event last night, I think the words written by our old friend Bill have withstood the test of time. Rather like Mr Burns has always been admired even though he was a bit of a lad....or did someone else pen his words? Wink

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #3

    Being from Warwickshire and OH having ancestors buried in the graveyard at Stratford church I'm a bit of a Shakespeare fan. I enjoyed the Stratford event last night, I think the words written by our old friend Bill have withstood the test of time. Rather like Mr Burns has always been admired even though he was a bit of a lad....or did someone else pen his words? Wink

    Write your comments here...Nice bit of sidestepping   Brue, Well done !! Wink

    Don't you agree with those academics. ?. If not what real proof is there, that Shakespeare "Actually" penned those Plays and Sonnets all by himself. 



  • Remus
    Remus Forum Participant Posts: 132
    edited April 2016 #4

    Who wrote Shakespeare's plays?.  Call me an impetuous fool but I'd guess it was William Shakespeare.  To assume otherwise without any real evidence is just wishful thinking.  To mangle a metaphor (or something) academics designed the Titanic, an illiterate
    peasant built the Ark.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2016 #5

    The first person to come up with the Baconian theory was James Wilmot in 1762. He was the rector at Barton on the Heath and also the uncle of 'Princess Olive' If you know how dubious the story of Olive is then you may have cause to doubt Wilmots theories.
    Who wrote Shakespeare? Shakespeare.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #6

    "Brush up your Shakespeare" K9, remember he went to Stratford Grammar school and got a good grounding in the written word and Latin....hardly a place for the semi-illiterate? Not being quite as old as you are to have seen him  on the stage I can't vouch for the acting bit.Laughing

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #7

    "Brush up your Shakespeare" K9, remember he went to Stratford Grammar school and got a good grounding in the written word and Latin....hardly a place for the semi-illiterate? Not being quite as old as you are to have seen him  on the stage I can't vouch for the acting bit.Laughing

    Write your comments here...I have no opinion either  way. I like to keep an open mind  And when there are so many academics suggesting the authenticity of other authors, the subject in my opinion is worth discussing. Brushing your insult aside which I always do, I will ask you a question :- As you claim to be a local with local knowledge I will ask you  to inform the members of the forum where the indisputable proof that Shakespeare was indeed the author of all those wonderful works of literature can be found ?. I would expect that this should be readily available. 

    Otherwise the reader is it liberty to attribute the authorship of those fine works to the people whom the Academics have discovered through painstaking research. 

     K Wink


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2016 #8

    This is a typical K post designed to cause conflict!  If this had be posted by an English person I might have taken it seriously and commented but as it is............................Yell

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2016 #9

    For suggesting that you want to cause conflict K I have reported myself

  • Remus
    Remus Forum Participant Posts: 132
    edited April 2016 #10

    Shakespeare's first folio was published in 1623 seven years after his death.  Printed inside the cover is his name as the author.  That's good enough for me.  Can you provide equally valid evidence that it was someone eles's work?

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited April 2016 #11

    Of course it's a post to cause conflict, have I insulted K for reaching the seventh age of man, I think not. He should be proud to have reached such a great age with so much determination to do battle..... but "there is a tide in the affairs of men, which
    taken at the flood, leads onto fortune. Omitted, all voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries."

    Alas the ship has run aground again.Sad

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2016 #12

    Relax K, I've just read WS had Scots ancestry, no doubt His genius was passed down. You can tie up the hobby horse now, plus the Fishing was not good at allLaughingLaughingLaughing

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #13

    I'm afraid I still have an open mind. Strange isnt it that when there is any interesting discussion there are some who being unable to answer questions or post coherently, resort to other tactics like introducing national prejudice. 

    I doesnt work.---- Intelligent people answer points raised on threads for discussion. The others can only try to shoot the messenger.  

    As stated before I am happy to believe any hard evidence, be it in favour of the Academics or Shakespeare. I can't be fairer than that. 

    So far there has been no such evidence from either camp.


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited April 2016 #14

    So far there has been no such evidence from either camp(Quote)

    we've taken our lead from you K. By the way-loving the irony again, you complain of negativity by being uber negative, don't ever change K, I luurrrrrves itLaughingLaughing

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited April 2016 #15

    So far there has been no such evidence from either camp(Quote)

    we've taken our lead from you K. By the way-loving the irony again, you complain of negativity by being uber negative, don't ever change K, I luurrrrrves itLaughingLaughing

    Write your comments here...Ha ha. At least the fun and humour is still alive and kicking when we are on the same thread R. 

    Just ignore les Miserables,  to them humour is not to be enjoyed.

    K WinkHappy

    Final score Shakespeare 0 - Academics -0

    Looking more like nobody will ever know the real answer.

  • Remus
    Remus Forum Participant Posts: 132
    edited April 2016 #16

    Did you know?  Leonard Nimoy once worried that he was getting typecast as Star Trek's Mr Spock.  He determined to branch out into Shakespearean acting and went for lessons.  The session (allegedly) went somthing like this.

    Instructor. "Right Len, we'll start with something easy.  Let's try Hamlet's soliloquy".

    Len "To be or not to b-b-b-beam me up Scotty"

    Instructor "Len, forget mr Spock.  Try again"

    Len "To be or not to be, that's totally illogical"

    Instructor "Oooooh-kay.  I see we have a problem here.  Forget Hamlet let's try Mark Anthony's speech to the Romans after Caeser's murder.  It begins Friends, Romans, countrymen.  Lend me your EARS"

    Len "Now you're just taking the mickey.  I've had enough of this".

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #17

    So far there has been no such evidence from either camp(Quote)

    we've taken our lead from you K. By the way-loving the irony again, you complain of negativity by being uber negative, don't ever change K, I luurrrrrves itLaughingLaughing

    Write your comments here...Ha ha. At least the fun and humour is still alive and kicking when we are on the same thread R. 

    Just ignore les Miserables,  to them humour is not to be enjoyed.

    K WinkHappy

    Final score Shakespeare 0 - Academics -0

    Looking more like nobody will ever know the real answer.

    Nor care about the answer in my caseHappy