Sites from our recent trip

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We have recently returned from a month in France. It was a fairly late trip from mid-September to mid-October.  As most of you know a lot of sites start closing from about mid-September so we had to plan around opening dates and where we wanted to be. Because
we have a motorhome we now look for sites that are near towns and villages. I thought I would post details of my site reviews just in case its useful for those travelling on the A75/A20/N154 routes through France as the majority of these sites are near to
these main routes.


In order of use they were:- 

Pont de L’Arche 

Camping Municipal De L’Ile D’Or,

Camping Municipal Du Mas, Issoire 

Camping Robinson,
Marseillan Plage 

Camping de la Cite,

Camping Municipal de Montech,

Camping d'Uzurat,

Camping Au Coeur de Vendome,

Camping de la Maye,