Misleading Information

JohnM20 Club Member Posts: 1,421
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Surely what I read  in 'Motoring Advice' section in the new edition of Touring France, (previously named Caravan Europe), and specifically under Motoring Equipment is incorrect and very misleading or am I wrong? It states :-  "It is a legal requirement for
all vehicle occupants (drivers and passengers) to wear a reflective jacket when getting out of a vehicle which is stationery on the carriageway or on the side of the road at any time of the day or night, regardless of the visibility."  By implication this
seems to mean that if I stop on the side of a road to go to buy my baguette I have to put on my hi-vis jacket when I get out of the car. I'm sure that this is not what is meant but it is how I read it. For anyone going to France for the first time it could
be a bit misleading, or is it me misreading it?