Cancellation Problems

ErnieJH Forum Participant Posts: 114
edited January 2016 in Club Membership #1

I decided some time ago that I wanted to go to Hunters Moon on Friday for seven days on a serviced pitch, As usual it wasn't possible to book all seven days at once as the Friday and Saturday were fully booked. So I booked the last five days on a serviced
pitch and the first two on a normal hard standing as I was sure that there would be some cancellations which happended today. So I cancelled the hard standing booking and extended the serviced pitch booking to seven days. Guess what then I received a stroppy
Email  from the club saying that I had breached the club policies on booking and if I did it again they would be in touch. I have sorted it out now using "chat" but surely this sort of thing shouldn't happen, there should be some sort of check in place before
this type of email is sent out.  


  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited January 2016 #2

    I did a simmiler thing last year but amended the booking directly with the site over the phone. No stroppy email that way. I think these are generated and sent automatically, but I agree there should be some form of check.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #3

    It's one of those quirky things about the booking system that you can amend dates and sites without any bother at all but if you want to change pitch type you have to cancel your original choiice and then re-book. Very irritating, but glad you got it sorted
    out in the end.

  • JD6620
    JD6620 Forum Participant Posts: 202
    edited January 2016 #4

    But did the email also say that if you booked a site within 24 hours for the same dates as the cancellation it would not be counted as a breach?  I had to cancel a booking late last year due to circumstances outside my control and I received one of these emails.  I didn't see it as stroppy either.  I had broken the cancellation policy and was expecting it. 

  • MotorHomer2
    MotorHomer2 Forum Participant Posts: 41
    edited January 2016 #5

    Done that a couple of times, when I've changed to another site because a cancellation vacancy came up at my first choice.

    Put 'alternate site booking' as the cancellation reason. No email received.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,740
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    edited January 2016 #6

    I think the problem is that the second you cancel the e mail is sent so that by the time you rebook it is too late. Posdibly the problem is with the system, if the booking amendment option allowed you to change the pitch type as here then there would be
    no problem.

    Using the net to do it at the moment is a risk though as that serviced pitch vacancy you saw could go in the few seconds it takes to cancel and rebook. The safe way is to use the phone service.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #7

    I did that at Baltic Wharf as only non awning for some days and awning for others, then awning pitch came up ,so contacted site direct, "its good to talk"Wink

    Bur as said above if you enter" alternative site booking "it will not generate an email  

  • TheAdmiral
    TheAdmiral Forum Participant Posts: 506
    edited January 2016 #8

    It's one of those quirky things about the booking system that you can amend dates and sites without any bother at all but if you want to change pitch type you have to cancel your original choiice and then re-book. Very irritating, but glad you got it sorted
    out in the end.

    Moulse, it's worse than irritating, I tried to change from a normal pitch to a serviced one for the same dates, I had to cancel the original and by the time I got back to booking the serviced pitch the site was full, I then had to re-instate the normal pitch,
    luckily that was still available


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #9

    I find it much better to phone the site if changing booking close to the date, no mishaps, no email.Wink

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited January 2016 #10

    Would it have worked if it had been two seperate bookings one for two days and one for five days back too back or cant the system do that ?


  • IDC
    IDC Forum Participant Posts: 36
    edited January 2016 #11

    I too have received the letter. We have unfortunately had to cancel last minute twice last year, both out of our control and on both occasions I have contracted the club to explain.

    1st cancelation was due to the event we were doing being cancelled on the Friday, due to adverse weather, read gales, thus a 250 mile round trip on a weekend for an event that was not happening to sit in the van and watch it rain with two young kids!

    Secondly was new year when my mother in law got taken into hospital the day before we were due to travel, understandably my wife wanted to stay at home. Again contact the club and received an understanding email back. BUT still got the letter!

    Surely there needs to be some common sense. We have been members for nearly 10 years and until this year never late cancelled.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2016 #12

    IDC, like you we've had the emails even though we had contacted the club and explained that we had a broken windscreen and they couldn't get a replacement in time to take up our next booking (we were travelling back from the ferry) the club explained that
    the email is generated automatic and not to worry as they have not put a black mark against us.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,120
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    edited January 2016 #13

    Worth remembering that when the Club set up the current system they did say that they would look at the circumstances for cancellations before imposing any sanctions. However they won't do that until a member is at the point where possible sanctions might be involved. As far as the e-mail received is concerned and yes I have had one, it is only a statement of fact and a reminder of the rules. Somepeople seem to read more into it?


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2016 #14

    That historic phrase "savaged by a dead sheep" comes to mind.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,740
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    edited January 2016 #15

    The e mail could be better worded but  I do not understand tbe venom it generates. The three strikes system has apparently reduced cancelations and no shows substantialy and for the inmocent three short notice cancelations in one year is very remote. The
    answer is just accept it as part of the system and if you want to avoid it ring to cancel and explain. The people on the other end can prevent it going out.