72 hour cancellation rule

Now I am sure everyone is aware of the 72 hour rule which I have just fallen foul of due to a genuine medical problem. Surely the Club could be a little bit more tolerant of this? I had an eye inflamation which started at the weekend, went to hopsital and
was told that I cannot drive for 5 days due to the medication I am on. Now I had a booking starting yesterday, which I phoned the site and explained why I would not be there prior to attending hospital, and said that I was not sure if I would be able to get
to the site. Now that was no problem as was having to cancel my stay today but I was told the Club would send me a nice email saying that I should not cancel that close to the time. Now I had no choice and I am slightly aggrieved by this as it was completely
out of my control. I know why the rule was introduced but for genuine cancellations it is a little harsh. If I was a non-member cancelling then I would not get this "black" mark against me which is somewhat discriminatory.
February 2020 and nothing has changed. I just cancelled with 68 hours to go because the weather man on tv is telling me that there'll be 70 mph gales on the day I was due to travel.
The automatic computer generated email arrived very promptly with it's threatening response despite me calling to explain the circumstances. Surely the club could override the computer in such circumstances.
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You've said it yourself, Stuart, it's an "automatic computer generated email". The computer is probably unaware of Storm Ciara! If you feel particularly aggrieved just drop the club an email, they'll probably use VAR to rescind your yellow card!
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The club and computer systems are not the best of friends.
Just ignore it as it’s not worth losing sleep over.
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When I have cancelled with the 72 hr window it has been for very good reasons. Can't say I am that bothered. If they ever took me to task and wouldn't accept my explanation, along with documentation, I don't think I would want to continue my membership.
However, unless you make a habit of it you are unlikely to be contacted.
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Having had such an email I don't agree that it was threatening. All it does is point out the rules on cancellations and warns you that if you break those rules twice more in the same year further action might be taken. Having said that the Club will always take into account extenuating circumstances, 70 mph winds might be considered one but that judgement is only made after three such cancellations. The rule was put in place as a way of avoiding the need for deposits and a way of tackling serial cancellers.
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Indeed and on some sites cancel within a certain time you lose all your money you have paid upfront for the entire stay.
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Mine didn't say anything about 3 times David.
This late cancellation is in breach of the Club's policies stated in our booking terms and conditions. You will be contacted by the Club if there is more than one occasion of a late cancellation this year,
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I think it means this was your first sin, Steve, and if you do it a second time you will be contacted. Then after a third offence they might excommunicate you.
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👍 +1 there HD..
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Four and a half years after the original post? That makes the resurrection of Lazarus seem speedy.
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You have made a sensible decision StuartE. Don’t worry about the email as you said yourself it’s ‘computer generated’ the Club wouldn’t be trying to override it. If it’s a genuine reason, and it is, just forget it. We have had one (but didn’t regard it as threatening) due to unforeseen circumstances but we realised why we had received it and forgot about it.
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The few sites that are in the minority for now but with costs increasing year on year it will not be long before it will be in the Mid range
As for the computer generated emails for cancelling after the requested 72 hr period,"reminders" have to start at some point,,but as the thread has shown ,unless you are one of the tiny minority who will abuse anything that is to help the majority (by giving members a chance of a late booking) then with the third late cancelation email your next bookings you have made will be cancelled, and membership "looked at"
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well personally for me £30+ (and that is a overestimate for most club sites most of the time) isn't that much. I mean I would be annoyed if I lost it but it is certainly not a 'big deal'.
If one chooses to leave early for a 'triival' reason then it is their choice and that is the end of it, what they agreed to when booking and that is it. Done it many times. If one has to leave for an emergency of some kind then £30 or whatever it is will be the least of your worries?
A pointless exercise? do you mean these posts or sending the email? I think you may have misunderstood the reason why people are saying to ignore it.
It is because they have had a good reason to cancel, based of their safety for example. Also they realise it is a automatically generated email and if they cancelled with a good reason then why get upset about it? It still needs to be sent I think, people who do cancel on a whim need to know they are being monitored.
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Geez ET do companys micro manage costs to that extent?, really🤷🏻♂️
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Let's think now. I don't think that (in season) over 100 cancellations are quite possible throughout the network. To investigate the reasons for individual cancellations could well equate needing to employ a couple of members of staff engaged in a pointless exercise.
Would you want to employ folk needlessly?
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The easy solution is to amend your booking to a later date, even a few days this can be done within the last 72 hours, cancel then if you have too.
No brainer... I would have thought the more experienced members would know of this.
We've done it on occasion, if you have a genuine reason to avoid your original booking date it's by far the best solution.
Use the system it's there to help us all.
And no emails. 😁
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So is that yes or no to the question🤷🏻♂️
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The OP hasn't posted since October 2015.
Makes one wonder:
Did he cancel twice more or more?
Was he reprimanded and sanctioned?
Did he get fed up waiting nearly 5 years for a response to his post?
We may never know.
We had to cancel last Xmas at BaltIc Wharf on short notice due to a family member medical emergency admission to hospital. Last thing on my mind was to ensure the booking was cancelled in accord the roolz of the CAMC, although I did get around to it in time to enable someone else a booking.
High chance of future bookings having to be cancelled too, so await an email if real life doesn't fit the computer system requirements.