Session logged out again

harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
edited October 2014 in How to use Club Together #1

Again I have been logged out of a session without warning. Again it was after composing and typing a post. However the post was short and therefore the excuse of being timed out because of inactivity surely can't apply. This time however I couldn't log back
in. A message in the log in box said "Failed to obtain club membership details to log in. Please phone 01342 ........... HQ"

I have just had a conversation with someone at HQ who got me logged back in but couldn't give an explanation as to why it had happened. He said it was very rare. Really, not according to the disgruntled replies from members who have also experienced the
problem of being logged out on here. We had a conversation about this and the times it happens on the web site and he said he would pass my comments onto the web site technical team who he said would reply to me by email. I hope so.

If the problem of being timed out is for security reasons then I can understand that but want I can't understand is that surely it would be a simple solution to add a pop up warning on screen so you could stop it from happening. 

I am now going to submit this. Hope I am still in session.