Caravan Owners with No CL Membership

I recently had someone enquiring about my CL site via e-mail. As a standard reply, I answered their enquiry and added that you must be a CC member to stay on this site. Their reply was that they were not but had been allowed on other CL sites in the past
during off-season.
I didn't even reply after this. They obviously knew it was breaking the rules but thought it was ok.
Have any other CL owners experienced this?
When people book on my site, I always verify that there are members of the CC club and state that I will be asking for their card on arrival. I am frequently told on arrival that I am their 1st CL to ask for their card in.......?? nights stay. Sometimes
months or longer!
Does anyone else find this? As another issue, what do you do if the card they show is out of date?
Low Glengyre Farm CL