Damp testing help
I have just checked my van over the weekend with a damp tester as I noticed a soft patch around one of our caravan windows. I first noticed it last year shortly after we purchased the van but was assured it was caused by a window seal but this had been
replaced. At the time of purchase it seamed ok and I believed it was just a patch that was soft from it previously getting damp. Last week I felt it again and it appeared to seem damp again. The readings I was getting above the window and around the sides
were 38/39%, as I moved upwards above the window and to towards the side of the window the firmness of the wall gets harder again. My thoughts are the window seal again to which I have just re-sealed under the edge of the rubber seal inside and out but to
be fair upon lifting the seal the actual wooden frame of the window seems dry. I have also re-sealed the window bracket strip on the outside and put a bid of the sealant in each screw hole before screwing them back in. What are peoples thoughts on it getting
in under the awning rail even though the actual roof area appears fine?
Where is the most common place for water to get in?
Is there anything I can put in the van to try dry it out/ suck the damp out? The only problem is there isnt a power supply to the van as it is in storage.