Walking Software - Apps / GPS or Paper Maps?

CholseyGrange Club Member Posts: 294
edited February 2015 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

I'd be interested to know whether members have tried using the new breed of 'Apps' such as 'ViewRanger' on their SmartPhones (or tablets) to help them navigate when walking in the countryside.  Personally I love the traditional OS Maps, but when guiding
some visitors on walks from our CL in the lovely Chiltern Hills AONB we have used provided them with an

A4 Circular Walk
using an excerpt from OpenStreetMap (copyright free) and some notes written by my son (a Geography Student).  This 3 hour walk has been very well received, but I'm now looking to expand the number of circular walks on offer and was wondering
whether or not to 'embrace technology' and utilise tools such as 'ViewRanger' where we can upload circular walks from our CL of various lengths annotated with photos etc.   Any experience of creating walks or using them would be welcomed.

Ted Howard-Jones

Cholsey Grange CL

Number 34 in the new hanbook (page 289)

PS - If you love walking, come and stay with us in 2015 - we open at Easter. Online Booking available!  Red Kites Guaranteed!