What is the legal speed limit to tow in France?
I am asking this, not because I intend to tow up to the limit but because I have seen different figures given. I know that there are reduced limits if you are towing a unit with a combined weight of 3.5 tons but I tow below that so that is irrelevent to
this discussion.
One place stated that the speed limit was the same as solo driving while another source ( a map book ) stated that on the autoroutes with an 86mph solo limit the towing limit was 75mph. Also lower limits applied to the other categories of roads. So which
is correct?
I tow a 2 berth with a Volvo and it is a very stable combination, the Volvo being relatively long and low with a low centre of gravity. This last summer I drove down the Autoroutes to Champagne and in light traffic and very still air it easily cruised at
70, while touching 75 for rapid overtaking. However fuel consumption wasnt great and on the return weather conditions also dictated I drove at the speed I would do in Britain.